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{{Maintainer|Nicolas Niclausse}}
#REDIRECT [[Unmaintained:Storage5k]]
{{Status|In production}}
= Grid'5000 storage resources =
{| class="checks" style="width: auto;"
! class="left" |Sites
! VM Name
! Disk partition
! Size
! status
| class="left" |[[Sophia:Home|Sophia]]
| /dev/sda
| 2TB
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| class="left" |[[Grenoble:Home|Grenoble]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Lille:Home|Lille]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Lyon:Home|Lyon]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| class="left" |[[Luxembourg:Home|Luxembourg]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| class="left" |[[Nancy:Home|Nancy]]
| {{Yes}}
| class="left" |[[Reims:Home|Reims]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Rennes:Home|Rennes]]
| 6TB
| [[Image:Check.png]]
= [[Storage5k]] =
== Overview ==
[[Storage5k]] is a tool for the reservation of large storage, providing much more space than the one available in a user's /home. Contrary to other resource reservations in Grid'5000, the duration of a storage5k reservation is not limited, allowing data to be used in long term experiments.
The data reserved by storage5k is directly accessible on Grid'5000 nodes, using NFS or iSCSI mounts.
{{Warning|text=Storage5k is an experimental tool and data integrity is not guaranteed. You MUST backup your important data.}}
See the [[Storage5k]] page to check on which sites Storage5k is available.
== Usage ==
The Storage5k tool is available on Grid'5000 frontends. Check if the <code class="command">storage5k</code> command is installed with:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -v
An individual Storage5k resource is called a "chunk", and represents the smallest allocatable unit of storage. A typical chunk size is 10GB but it may vary among Grid'5000 sites. To display the chunks size, use the following command:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a chunk_size
Let's say that you need 50GB of space during one day to carry out your experiment. To reserve this storage, use:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a add -l chunks=<code class="replace">number</code>,walltime=24
You can get information on your reserved storage with:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a info
Note the '''Job_Id''' field. Actually, a Storage5k reservation is an OAR job ! You can use any of the OAR tools, such as:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">oarstat</code> -f -j <code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>
An other important field is '''Source nfs'''. It displays the NFS mount point where your storage is exported. Note that your storage is already available from the frontend:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">cp</code> <code class="replace">my_big_data</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
Nodes you reserve will automatically have access to the storage. For instance, try this:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">oarsub</code> -l nodes=3 -I
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
lost+found my_big_data
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">oarsh</code> <code class="replace">othernode</code>
<code class="host">othernode: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
lost+found my_big_data
Though there is an exception: Deployed nodes do not mount your reserved storage by default. Let's try:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">oarsub</code> -l nodes=3 -t deploy -I
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">kadeploy3</code> -e wheezy-x64-nfs -f $OAR_NODE_FILE -k
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh</code> <code class="replace">node</code>
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data
ls: cannot access /data: No such file or directory
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">exit</code>
For this situation, Storage5k provides you with a way to mount the reserved space into your nodes. This command will mount your storage in all the nodes belonging to the job <code class="replace">nodes_job_id</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a mount -j <code class="replace">nodes_job_id</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh</code> <code class="replace">node</code>
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
lost+found my_big_data
You can umount storage with:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a umount -j <code class="replace">nodes_job_id</code>
With the knowledge of the '''Source nfs''' entry, you can manually mount your storage as well:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh</code> root@<code class="replace">node</code>  #As root
root@<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">mount</code><code class="replace">username_storage_job_id</code> /mnt
root@<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">exit</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh </code><code class="replace">node</code>        #As normal user
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /mnt/
lost+found my_big_data
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">exit</code>
{{Warning|text=Accessing storage in deployed nodes requires the <code>nfs-common</code> package. It is included by default in the <code>nfs</code>, <code>big</code> and <code>prod</code> environments}}

Latest revision as of 09:30, 22 October 2019