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{{Maintainer|Nicolas Niclausse}}
#REDIRECT [[Unmaintained:Storage5k]]
{{Status|In production}}
= Grid'5000 storage resources =
{| class="checks" style="width: auto;"
! class="left" |Sites
! VM Name
! Size
! status
| class="left" |[[Sophia:Home|Sophia]]
| 2TB
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| class="left" |[[Grenoble:Home|Grenoble]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Lille:Home|Lille]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Lyon:Home|Lyon]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Luxembourg:Home|Luxembourg]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| class="left" |[[Nancy:Home|Nancy]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| class="left" |[[Rennes:Home|Rennes]]
| 6TB
| [[Image:Check.png]]
= [[Storage5k]] =
== Overview ==
[[Storage5k]] is a tool for the reservation of large storage, providing much more space than the one available in a user's /home. Contrary to other resource reservations in Grid'5000, the duration of a storage5k reservation is not limited, allowing data to be used in long term experiments.
The storage reserved by storage5k is accessible on Grid'5000 nodes, using NFS or iSCSI mounts. Some mechanisms are provided to make this storage directly available on your nodes reserved on the same site as the storage, or to mount it in deployed nodes.
{{Warning|text=Storage5k provides long term storage for experimentations, but not data integrity is guaranteed. '''Stored data may get lost due to incident or any other reason''' (like an unexpected end of reservation). '''You MUST backup important data'''.}}
== Usage ==
The Storage5k tool is available on Grid'5000 frontends. You can check if the <code class="command">storage5k</code> command is installed by running:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -v
An individual Storage5k resource is called a "chunk", and represents the smallest allocatable unit of storage. A typical chunk size is 10GB but it may vary among Grid'5000 sites. To display the chunks size, use the following command:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a chunk_size
; Reservation
Let's say that you need 50GB of space during one day to carry out your experiment. To reserve this storage, use:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a add -l chunks=<code class="replace">number</code>,walltime=24
You can get information on your reserved storage with:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a info
Note the '''Job_Id''' field. Actually, a Storage5k reservation is an OAR job ! You can use any of the OAR tools, such as:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">oarstat</code> -f -j <code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>
An other important field is '''Source nfs'''. It displays the NFS mount point where your storage is exported. Note that your storage is already available from the frontend:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">cp</code> <code class="replace">my_big_data</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
; Access to the storage
Nodes you reserve will automatically have access to the storage. For instance, try this:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">oarsub</code> -l nodes=3 -I
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
lost+found my_big_data
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">oarsh</code> <code class="replace">othernode</code>
<code class="host">othernode: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
lost+found my_big_data
; Access in deploy jobs
Though there is an exception: Deployed nodes do not mount your reserved storage by default. Let's try:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">oarsub</code> -l nodes=3 -t deploy -I
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">kadeploy3</code> -e debian9-x64-nfs -f $OAR_NODE_FILE -k
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh</code> <code class="replace">node</code>
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data
ls: cannot access /data: No such file or directory
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">exit</code>
For this situation, Storage5k provides you with a way to mount the reserved space into your nodes. This command will mount your storage in all the nodes belonging to the job <code class="replace">nodes_job_id</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a mount -j <code class="replace">nodes_job_id</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh</code> <code class="replace">node</code>
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /data/<code class="replace">username</code>_<code class="replace">storage_job_id</code>/
lost+found my_big_data
You can umount storage with:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">storage5k</code> -a umount -j <code class="replace">nodes_job_id</code>
; Manual setup of the access
With the knowledge of the '''Source nfs''' entry, you can manually mount your storage as well:
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh</code> root@<code class="replace">node</code>  #As root
root@<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">mount</code><code class="replace">username_storage_job_id</code> /mnt
root@<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">exit</code>
<code class="host">frontend: </code><code class="command">ssh </code><code class="replace">node</code>        #As normal user
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">ls</code> /mnt/
lost+found my_big_data
<code class="host">node: </code><code class="command">exit</code>
{{Warning|text=Accessing storage in deployed nodes requires the <code>nfs-common</code> package. It is included by default in the <code>nfs</code>, <code>big</code> and <code>std</code> environments}}

Latest revision as of 09:30, 22 October 2019