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==== Put an object into a pool ====
==== Put an object into a pool ====

{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool put <infile> <objectname>}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_pool</code> put <code class="replace"><infile></code> <code class="replace"><objectname></code>}}

==== List objects of a pool ====
==== List objects of a pool ====

{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool ls}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_pool</code> ls}}

==== Get object from a pool ====
==== Get object from a pool ====

{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool get <objectname> <outfile>}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_pool</code> get <code class="replace"><objectname></code> <code class="replace"><outfile></code>}}

==== Remove an object ====
==== Remove an object ====

{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool rm <objectname>}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_pool</code> rm <code class="replace"><objectname></code>}}

Revision as of 11:39, 13 January 2015

Warning.png Warning

Development in progress...


Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. - See more at: http://ceph.com/

Ceph architecture

File:Ceph stack.png

Grid'5000 Deployment

Sites Size Configuration Rados RBD CephFS RadosGW
Rennes ~ 9TB 16 OSDs on 4 nodes Check.png Check.png Fail.png Fail.png


Generate your key

In order to access to the object store you will need a Cephx key. See : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/ui/

Your key will also available from the frontends :

  key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==

Note : Replace jdoe by your login.

Create/Update/Delete Ceph pool

Requierement : Generate your key

Manage your Ceph pools from the Grid'5000 Ceph frontend : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/ui/

Ceph g5k frontend.png

Configure Ceph on clients

On a deployed environment

Terminal.png frennes:
oarsub -I -t deploy
Terminal.png frennes:
kadeploy3 -e ubuntu-x64-1404 -k -f $OAR_NODEFILE
Note.png Note

This version of ubuntu offers a version of Ceph who works with RBD support in Qemu/KVM.

Terminal.png frennes:
ssh root@node
Terminal.png node:
apt-get install ceph

Create a ceph configuration file /etc/ceph/ceph.conf :

  mon initial members = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
  mon host =,,

Create a ceph keyring file /etc/ceph/ceph.client.jdoe.keyring with your keyring :

  key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==

On the frontend or a node with production environment

Note.png Note

The ceph version on frontend and production environment is old. Object Store access works, but not the support of RBD in Qemu/KVM.

Create a ceph configuration file ~/.ceph/config :

  mon initial members = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
  mon host =,,

Create a ceph keyring file ~/.ceph/ceph.client.jdoe.keyring with your keyring :

  key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==


Rados Object Store access

Requierement : Create a Ceph poolConfigure Ceph on client

From command line

Note.png Note

Add -c ~/.ceph/config to rados CLI when using as user (not root) from the frontend or the production environment.

Put an object into a pool

Terminal.png node:
rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool put <infile> <objectname>

List objects of a pool

Terminal.png node:
rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool ls

Get object from a pool

Terminal.png node:
rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool get <objectname> <outfile>

Remove an object

Terminal.png node:
rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool rm <objectname>

Usage informations

Terminal.png frontend:
rados -c ~/.ceph/config --id pmorillo --pool pmorillo_objectstore df
pool name       category                 KB      objects       clones     degraded      unfound           rd        rd KB           wr        wr KB
pmorillo_objectstore -                    1563027            2            0            0           0            0            0          628      2558455
  total used       960300628       295991
  total avail     7800655596
  total space     9229804032

From your application (C/C++, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP...)

See : http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/api/librados-intro/

RBD (Rados Block Device)

Requierement : Create a Ceph poolConfigure Ceph on client

Create a Rados Block Device

Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool create <rbd_name> --size <MB>
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool ls
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool info <rbd_name>

Create filesystem and mount RBD

Terminal.png node:
modprobe rbd
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool map <rbd_name>
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool showmapped
id pool          image snap device    
1  jdoe_pool <rbd_name>  -    /dev/rbd1 
Terminal.png node:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/rbd1
Terminal.png node:
mkdir /mnt/rbd
Terminal.png node:
mount /dev/rbd1 /mnt/rbd
Terminal.png node:
df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3        15G  1.6G   13G  11% /
/dev/sda5       525G   70M  498G   1% /tmp
/dev/rbd1        93M  1.6M   85M   2% /mnt/rbd

Resize, snapshots, copy, etc...

See :


Requierement : Create a Ceph poolConfigure Ceph on client

Convert a qcow2 file into RBD

Terminal.png frennes:
scp /grid5000/virt-images/wheezy-x64-base.qcow2 root@<node>:/tmp
Terminal.png node:
apt-get install qemu qemu-kvm
Terminal.png node:
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw /tmp/wheezy-x64-base.qcow2 rbd:<pool_name>/debian7:id=jdoe
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool <pool_name> ls

Start KVM virtual machine from a Rados Block Device

Terminal.png node:
screen kvm -m 1024 -drive format=raw,file=rbd:<pool_name>/debian7:id=jdoe -nographic