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{{Maintainer|David Margery}}
{{Maintainer|David Margery}}

This page lists authorized usage of Grid'5000 by the executive committee that doesn't fit well with the user's charter. For recurring usage for teaching, please refer to [[Enseignement]].
This page lists authorized usage of Grid'5000 by the executive committee that doesn't fit well with the user's charter. For recurring usage for teaching, please refer to [[Enseignement]].

Revision as of 19:22, 15 October 2015

This page lists authorized usage of Grid'5000 by the executive committee that doesn't fit well with the user's charter. For recurring usage for teaching, please refer to Enseignement.


  • 4 nodes on econome and 8 nodes on paranoia between Friday, Oct. 23rd, 19:00 CEST to Friday Oct. 30th, 19:00 CET. This is for the Harness project's final review. Reservation by George Ioannidis
  • 15 nodes for paravance for the whole week between June 1st and June 6th, 2015. This is for Daniele Calandriello, from the Sequel team at Inria


  • Daily reservation of a Taurus node for the Seed4C project from November 17th, 2014 to February 2015.
  • Reservation of 2 nodes for a complete week in Nantes, from November 10th to November 17th 2014 (Jonathan Pastor)
  • Yulin Zhang ( 10 nodes of Lyon (3 hercule, 3 orion and 4 taurus) for about 8 hours on October 29th, 2014
  • Reservation of all the platform by Simon Delamarre for the Spring School Tutorials and challenges: June 17th 14:00 -> 18:00 and June 18th 14:00 -> 18:00.
  • Reservation of lyon, rennes, luxembourg and nancy for the COMPAS Grid'5000 tutorial on April 22th between 09:00 and 12:30
  • Reservation of ~1500 cores on luxembourg, lyon and reims for the IC2E Grid'5000 tutorial on March 10th between 14:00 and 22:00
  • Long usage of one node by Georges Markomanolis on the Stremi cluster in Reims on February 20th, 2014. The job is about simulating with SimGrid 130GB of Time-Independent traces of LU benchmark, class D, 4096 MPI processes.
  • Use of 200 machines on Nancy to prepare an entry to the Scale challenge, on February 7th, 2014, between 9:00 and 19:00. Afin de finaliser notre soumission au challenge SCALE de CCGrid, for user tbuchert.


  • Use of Grid'5000 for a few day for the mid-term review of European project Seed4C, from October 14th to October 17th. Involved people are Yulin Zhang (hzhang), Lamiel Toch (latoch) and Guillaume Verger (gverger)
  • Use of Grid'5000 for the Scale challenge. 14-16 mai, for
    • D. Balouek, A. Lèbre, F. Quesnel and
    • Eugen Feller, Christine Morin, Matthieu Simonin, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, and Yvon Jégou (Won 2nd prize!)


  • Use of Grid'5000 for tutorials at SC'Camp, between July 10-16, 2011, for 30 to 40 students
  • Use of clusters parapide (Rennes) and griffon (Nancy) from 9:00 to 18:00 for a demonstration of Computer-Go on April 13-14th 2011.
  • Use of Grid'5000 for the Tapei GO competition, Taiwan on March 9th, 2011, from 3 to 9 am.


  • Review of the XtreemOS european project, December 2nd, 2010.
  • Super Computing and Distributed Systems Camp, Catay, Santander, Colombia, August 15-22, 2010 : created between 20 and 30 accounts for an OAR tutorial
  • Challenge Humans vs Computer Go competition, in Rennes and Nancy, July 20th, 2010.
  • Challenge trecvid, pour les utilisateurs du groupe irim. Pas d'exceptions à la charte pour la durée et le nombre des jobs.
  • Challenge de programmation lors de PASCO 2010, du 21 au 23 juillet, de 7h à 22h, à Grenoble.
  • Démo OGF-29 : tout Grid'5000, le 21 juin de 18h15 à 19h30 heure de Chicago (le 22 juin de 1h15 à 2h30 heure de Paris)
  • Démo au colloque ANR STIC à la cité des sciences (4-7 janvier 2010) : 8 noeuds à Lyon pour 84h.




  • 4th Plugtest 2007 : 28 octobre-1er Novembre 2007


  • 3rd Plugtest 2006 : 28-30 novembre 2006 : bug 329 :