Template:Site description

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Specific informations of {{{1}}}'s site:

  • [[{{{1}}}:Hardware|Hardware]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Network|Network]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Storage|Storage]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:External access|External access]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:People|People]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Roadmap|Roadmap]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Logs|Logs]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Administration|Administration]]

Direct access to resources for {{{1}}}'s site:

Shortcuts to global tools and informations:

Latest updated publications Five random publications that benefited from Grid'5000 (at least 2523 overall):

  • Houssam Elbouanani, Chadi Barakat, Walid Dabbous, Thierry Turletti. Troubleshooting Distributed Network Emulation. Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 2024, 79 (April), pp.227-239. 10.1007/s12243-024-01010-y. hal-04373896 view on HAL pdf
  • Fatmir Asllanaj, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Guilherme C Fraga, Francis H.R. França, Roberta J.C. da Fonseca. New gas radiation model of high accuracy based on the principle of weighted sum of gray gases. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2024, 315, pp.108887. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2023.108887. hal-04375649 view on HAL pdf
  • Tulika Bose, Nikolaos Aletras, Irina Illina, Dominique Fohr. Domain Classification-based Source-specific Term Penalization for Domain Adaptation in Hate-speech Detection. COLING 2022 - Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Oct 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea. hal-03815708 view on HAL pdf
  • Clément Courageux-Sudan, Loic Guegan, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson. A Flow-Level Wi-Fi Model for Large Scale Network Simulation. MSWiM 2022 - International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Oct 2022, Montreal, Canada. 10.1145/3551659.3559022. hal-03777726 view on HAL pdf
  • Théophile Bastian, Hugo Pompougnac, Alban Dutilleul, Fabrice Rastello. CesASMe and Staticdeps: static detection of memory-carried dependencies for code analyzers. INRIA. 2024, pp.1-12. hal-04477227 view on HAL pdf

Latest updated experiments {{#experiments: 5|{{{1}}}}}
