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Grid'5000 is a large-scale and versatile testbed for experiment-driven research in all areas of computer science, with a focus on parallel and distributed computing including Cloud, HPC and Big Data.

Key features:

  • provides access to a large amount of resources: 1000 nodes, 8000 cores, grouped in homogeneous clusters, and featuring various technologies: 10G Ethernet, Infiniband, GPUs, Xeon PHI
  • highly reconfigurable and controllable: researchers can experiment with a fully customized software stack thanks to bare-metal deployment features, and can isolate their experiment at the networking layer
  • advanced monitoring and measurement features for traces collection of networking and power consumption, providing a deep understanding of experiments
  • designed to support Open Science and reproducible research, with full traceability of infrastructure and software changes on the testbed
  • a vibrant community of 500+ users supported by a solid technical team

Read more about our teams, our publications, and the usage policy of the testbed. Then get an account, and learn how to use the testbed with our Getting Started tutorial and the rest of our Users portal.

Recently published documents:

Grid'5000 is supported by a scientific interest group (GIS) hosted by Inria and including CNRS, RENATER and several Universities as well as other organizations. Inria has been supporting Grid'5000 through ADT ALADDIN-G5K (2007-2013), ADT LAPLACE (2014-2016), and IPL HEMERA (2010-2014).

Current status (at 2024-07-18 14:26): 3 current events, 3 planned (details)

Five random publications that benefited from Grid'5000 (at least 2515 overall):

  • Ali El Hadi Noura. Integration of Scheduler Knowledge into CiGri Control Loop. Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing cs.DC. 2022. hal-03826649 view on HAL pdf
  • Kadir Korkmaz, Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Laurent Réveillère. ALDER: Unlocking blockchain performance by multiplexing consensus protocols. 2022 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Dec 2022, Boston, United States. pp.9-18, 10.1109/NCA57778.2022.10013556. hal-03966159 view on HAL pdf
  • Mohamed Aimen Djari. Study of the potential of graph-based approaches in blockchains. Cryptography and Security cs.CR. Université Rennes 1, 2022. English. NNT : 2022REN1S064. tel-03957362 view on HAL pdf
  • Ghada Moualla, Sébastien Bolle, Marc Douet, Eric Rutten. Self-adaptive Device Management for the IoT Using Constraint Solving. FedCSIS 2022 - 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence System, Sep 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria. pp.1-10. hal-03770474 view on HAL pdf
  • Alaaeddine Chaoub, Christophe Cerisara, Alexandre Voisin, Benoît Iung. Towards interpreting deep learning models for industry 4.0 with gated mixture of experts. 30th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2022, Aug 2022, Belgrade, Serbia. hal-03785546 view on HAL pdf

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Grid'5000 sites

Current funding

As from June 2008, Inria is the main contributor to Grid'5000 funding.


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Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP
Université Rennes 1, Rennes
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse / INSA / FERIA / Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux
Université Lille 1, Lille
École Normale Supérieure, Lyon

Regional councils

Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
Nord Pas de Calais