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Organised by ALADDIN-G5K and the Nancy - Grand Est INRIA research center, with the support from ESIAL.


After the successfull 2006 edition that helped users discover Grid'5000's usage and the first successful experiments using Grid'5000, Grid'5000 practitioners and would be practitioners are invited to gather, learn and share around the usage of Grid'5000 as a scientific instrument.

Organized in Nancy, from April 7th to April 10th 2009, this spring school will bring together Grid'5000's technical team, users and executive committee for 3 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practises and results.


The program is organised in the following way:

  • In the morning,
    • keynote and
    • presentations of experimental results by Grid'5000 users
  • In the afternoon, practical sessions organized by the technical staff or by users

A detailed program is still to come, as well as details of the practical sessions.

Call for presentation and practical sessions

Call for presentations

Grid'5000 users are invited to submit proposals for talks presenting results obtained using Grid'5000 as well as the tools and techniques used to produce these results.

Proposals will be evaluated on

  • their scientific contribution,
  • the techniques used to conduct the experiments that lead to the results presented and
  • how reproducible these results are by other users
    • availability and visibility of the environments and scripts used, or
    • clear description of the techniques used

The presentations will last 30mn and will have a fixed format with

  • 15mn to expose the scientific results
  • 5 to 10mn to present techniques used to conduct the experiments
  • 10 to 5mn for questions.

Proposals will be described in a one page long document referring to the user report describing the experiment. The one page document should give additional information such as a general introduction, related work and details on the experiments not present in the user report.

Call for practical sessions

Seasoned Grid'5000 users are invited to submit proposals for practical sessions. These practical sessions should be focused on dedicated kadeploy environments maintained by the submitters or on specific tools developed to ease the use of Grid'5000 in common use-cases of the instrument.

Organization and program committee

  • Emmanuel Jeannot,
  • Martin Quinson,
  • Lucas Nussbaum
  • David Margery
  • Thierry Priol
  • Olivier Richard
  • and members of the executive committee:
    • Olivier Beaumont
    • Franck Cappello
    • Yvon Jegou
    • Michel Dayde
    • Frederic Desprez
    • Fabrice Huet
    • Nouredine Melab
    • Stephane Lanteri
    • Franck Simon
    • Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet
    • Pierre Sens


Nous remercions :

INRIA Rhône-Alpes
l'INRIA Rhône-Alpes pour l'aide financière, l'aide à la logistique et l'aide d'infrastructure
l'IMAG pour l'aide financière et l'aide d'infrastructure
Université Joseph Fourier
l'école UFR IMA et l'Université Joseph Fourier pour l'aide financière et d'infrastructure
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
l'ENSIMAG et l'INPG pour l'aide financière et d'infrastructure
l'ACI GRID pour son aide financière
la ville de Grenoble pour son aide financière
la région Rhône-Alpes pour son aide financière


Not open yet

Registering is a two steps action.

  1. you need to register as a participant.
  2. you need to register to the practical sessions you intend to take part in.

Informations pratiques


L'école aura lieu sur le campus de St Martin d'Hères.

Plus particulièrement, les cours auront lieu à la Maison Jean Kuntzmann (MJK), alors que les ateliers seront à l'ENSIMAG et à l'UFR IMA. (plan)


Hôtels à Grenoble.
