The reference API provide the reference data of Grid5000. Information such as the list of sites, clusters, nodes, environments, etc. can be queried using this API. You can also obtain a specific version of any data, list all the versions of a given information, and get an archive of all or part of the data.
- API entry-point: http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1
- note on formats: it is not required to explicitly indicate the format in the URL, e.g.:
GET /resource.json
You may prefer to set the Accept HTTP header to the correct mime type, e.g.:
GET /resource Accept: application/json
If you put both, the Accept HTTP header will be ignored.
Get a specific version of a resource
GET /%resource%
- Accepted formats: json, zip
- Version parameter: can be omitted (latest version is returned), or it can be: a commit id (40 characters length) or a Unix UTC time (number of seconds since the Unix epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
- Comments: the zip format will return a zip archive containing the set of directories and files corresponding to the required data.
- Examples:
GET /.json
will return the description of Grid5000:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Etag: "d69bfd1891582824f5a192fa41a3f444a3d52854" Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:46:19 GMT Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 345 Connection: close { "environments": [ "\/environments\/sid-x64-base-1.0" ], "sites": [ "\/sites\/bordeaux", "\/sites\/grenoble", "\/sites\/lille", "\/sites\/lyon", "\/sites\/nancy", "\/sites\/orsay", "\/sites\/rennes", "\/sites\/sophia", "\/sites\/toulouse" ], "uid": "grid5000", "type": "grid", "uri": "\/" }
You can then follow the URIs to get more information on the sub-resources. For example, you can get more details about Bordeaux by doing:
GET /sites/bordeaux.json
this will return something like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Etag: "45f78b07665ed58f843a741d6927d60a4db35ba3" Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:46:19 GMT Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 604 Connection: close { "environments": [ "\/sites\/bordeaux\/environments\/sid-x64-base-1.0" ], "name": "Bordeaux", "location": "Bordeaux, France", "latitude": null, "security_contact": null, "clusters": [ "\/sites\/bordeaux\/clusters\/bordemer", "\/sites\/bordeaux\/clusters\/bordeplage", "\/sites\/bordeaux\/clusters\/bordereau", "\/sites\/bordeaux\/clusters\/borderline" ], "uid": "bordeaux", "type": "site", "user_support_contact": null, "description": "", "longitude": null, "email_contact": null, "web": null, "uri": "\/sites\/bordeaux", "sys_admin_contact": null }
and so on.
Get the list of all versions of a resource
GET /%resource%
- Accepted formats: json
- Response: the list of all changes that were made to the resource.
Status codes
- A 200 status code is returned when the request is successful.
- A 404 status code is returned when a resource does not exist.
- A 406 status code is returned when the requested format is not available.
- A 500 status code is returned when the server encountered an error.
Getting Started
Creating an SSH tunnel
The API is only available from the Grid5000 frontends. As a consequence, the first thing you have to do when trying to query an API is to create an SSH tunnel to the API server, via your site's access machine:
ssh -N -L 8080:
Note: when you are done with your queries, you can hit CTRL-C to destroy the tunnel.
cURL example
Get the latest version of the composition of the platform:
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1/.json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 15:23:10 GMT Server: Apache X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 2.0.6 Etag: "2e16727e9012f1d12e25010921a6a5fe71bda895" Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:46:19 GMT Content-Length: 345 Connection: close Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 { "environments": [ "\/environments\/sid-x64-base-1.0" ], "uri": "\/", "type": "grid", "sites": [ "\/sites\/bordeaux", "\/sites\/grenoble", "\/sites\/lille", "\/sites\/lyon", "\/sites\/nancy", "\/sites\/orsay", "\/sites\/rennes", "\/sites\/sophia", "\/sites\/toulouse" ], "uid": "grid5000" }
Get the composition of the platform as it was on Wed Jan 28 12:11:36 +0100 2009:
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1/.json?version=1233141096
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 15:22:20 GMT Server: Apache X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 2.0.6 Etag: "7a518f34482cd7a898b8428bac26eb9a6e457379" Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:11:36 GMT Content-Length: 299 Connection: close Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 { "environments": [ "\/environments\/sid-x64-base-1.0" ], "uri": "\/", "type": "grid", "sites": [ "\/sites\/grenoble", "\/sites\/lille", "\/sites\/nancy", "\/sites\/orsay", "\/sites\/rennes", "\/sites\/sophia", "\/sites\/toulouse" ], "uid": "grid5000" }
Get the composition of the platform as it was on Wed Jan 28 14:25:26 +0100 2009
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1/.json?version=1233149126
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 15:23:36 GMT Server: Apache X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 2.0.6 Etag: "2e16727e9012f1d12e25010921a6a5fe71bda895" Last-Modified: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:25:26 GMT Content-Length: 345 Connection: close Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8 { "environments": [ "\/environments\/sid-x64-base-1.0" ], "uri": "\/", "type": "grid", "sites": [ "\/sites\/bordeaux", "\/sites\/grenoble", "\/sites\/lille", "\/sites\/lyon", "\/sites\/nancy", "\/sites\/orsay", "\/sites\/rennes", "\/sites\/sophia", "\/sites\/toulouse" ], "uid": "grid5000" }
Get all the versions of the platform:
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1/versions.json
Get all the versions of a cluster:
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1/sites/rennes/paramount/versions.json
Ruby example
First, make sure you've got *Ruby* and *Rubygems* installed. Then install the required gems:
sudo gem install rest-client json --no-ri --no-rdoc
Put this code in a g5k-reference-api-client.rb file. It will output the current list of sites and, for each one, the list of its clusters:
require 'pp' require 'rubygems' require 'rest_client' # sudo gem install rest-client require 'json' # sudo gem install json api = RestClient::Resource.new('http://localhost:8080/reference/0_1') begin puts "---- Getting Grid5000" # start at the root of the reference data (= grid5000) grid5000 = JSON.parse api['/'].get(:accept => 'application/json') pp grid5000 puts "\n---- Getting sites" grid5000['sites'].each do |site_uri| site = JSON.parse api[site_uri].get(:accept => 'application/json') pp site puts "\n---- Getting #{site['uid']} clusters" site['clusters'].each do |cluster_uri| cluster = JSON.parse api[cluster_uri].get(:accept => 'application/json') pp cluster end end rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound puts 'Resource not found.' rescue RestClient::RequestTimeout puts 'Timeout.' rescue RestClient::Unauthorized puts 'Unauthorized.' rescue RestClient::RequestFailed puts 'Request failed.' rescue RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection puts 'Connection broken.' rescue Exception => e puts e.message end
Run with:
ruby g5k-reference-api-client.rb
- Refine node description scheme;
- Add missing data (environments, nodes);
- Add XML format