Template:Site description

From Grid5000
Revision as of 15:54, 23 July 2009 by Dmargery (talk | contribs)
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Specific informations of {{{1}}}'s site:

  • [[{{{1}}}:Hardware|Hardware]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Network|Network]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Storage|Storage]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:External access|External access]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:People|People]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Roadmap|Roadmap]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Logs|Logs]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Administration|Administration]]

Direct access to resources for {{{1}}}'s site:

Shortcuts to global tools and informations:

Latest updated publications Five random publications that benefited from Grid'5000 (at least 2523 overall):

  • Anna Mossolova, Kamel Smaïli. The only chance to understand: machine translation of the severely endangered low-resource languages of Eurasia. The Fifth Workshop on Technologies for Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages (LoResMT), COLING 2022, Oct 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea. hal-03774644 view on HAL pdf
  • Reda Khoufache, Anisse Belhadj, Hanene Azzag, Mustapha Lebbah. Distributed MCMC inference for Bayesian Non-Parametric Latent Block Model. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), May 2024, Taipei, Taiwan. hal-04457575 view on HAL pdf
  • Céline Acary-Robert, Emmanuel Agullo, Ludovic Courtès, Marek Felšöci, Konrad Hinsen, et al.. Guix-HPC Activity Report 2022–2023. Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest. 2024, pp.1-32. hal-04500140 view on HAL pdf
  • Houssam Elbouanani, Chadi Barakat, Thierry Turletti, Walid Dabbous. Demo paper : Fidelity-aware Distributed Network Emulation. IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, Nov 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece. hal-03857802 view on HAL pdf
  • Ilias Benjelloun, Bart Lamiroy, Efoevi Angelo Koudou. Convolutional network fabric pruning with label noise. Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023, 56 (12), pp.14841-14864. 10.1007/s10462-023-10507-2. hal-03569057 view on HAL pdf

Latest updated experiments {{#experiments: 5|{{{1}}}}}
