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Grid'5000 storage resources

Sites VM Name Disk partition Size status
Sophia /dev/sda 2TB Check.png
Grenoble Fail.png
Lille Fail.png
Lyon 20TB Check.png
Luxembourg Fail.png
Nancy 2.14TB InProgress.png
Reims Fail.png
Rennes /dev/sda1 6TB Check.png
Bordeaux Fail.png
Toulouse Fail.png


This page presents ways to use storage5k for the storage reservation in Grid'5000.


Each user has a default storage space (/home) exported via NFS. For larger storage needs, a user can book another storage space for a determined period. storage5k allows users to reserve "storage" resources with OAR. The idea is that reservation length for storage is in the order of weeks, and therefore storage5k can persist a dataset imported into Grid'5000 between experiments


First check the chunk disk size of the oar storage resources

malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a chunk_size
Chunk size: 10737418240 (10 GB)

In this example the chunk size is 10GB, so for a reservation of 100 GB, you should ask for 10 chunks.

Storage reservation

A storage reservation is an OAR job with resources of type "storage". For each storage reservation you should specify the chunk number and the walltime (1 hour by default). Storage5k supports two protocol for exporting the reserved volume; Iscsi ans NFS, you can choose the protocol you want to use with the "-p" option. By default the NFS protocol is used.

You can submit a storage reservation in two ways:

  • with storage5k command:
Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a add -l chunks=2,walltime=2 -p iscsi
 malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a add -l chunks=2,walltime=2 -p iscsi
 [ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
 [ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description as storage
 Generate a job key...
 Reservation mode : waiting validation...
 Reservation valid --> OK
  • with oarsub command:
Terminal.png frontend:
oarsub -t deploy -l chunks=2,walltime=2 -r "2011-12-09 11:57:00" -t iscsi
 malachheb@fsophia:~$ oarsub -t deploy -l chunks=2,walltime=2 -r "2011-12-09 11:57:00"
 [ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
 [ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description as storage
 Generate a job key...
 Reservation mode : waiting validation...
 Reservation valid --> OK
Note.png Note

the reservation walltime is unlimited. So, it's recomended for you to make a reservation with a large walltime.

Note.png Note

A reservation can take a few minutes if the space is very large, due to the initialization of the reserved partition in the storage server.

Warning.png Warning

Submitting a storage reservation simultaneously with compute nodes or other oar resources (vlan, subnet) is not supported (you would get an unexpected behaviour, this is a temporary limitation while we get things ironed out).

Check your storage reservation

Each storage reservation is identified by the job cpuset_name (e.g, malachheb_649). To display the details of your reservations, you can use "storage5k -a info".

Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a info
  malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a info 
  storage5k 1.0.0
  Job_Id: 648
   State: Running
   Reservation Id: malachheb_648
   Chunks: 2
   Chunks_size: 10737418240
   Space reserved: 21474836480
   Data Directory: /data/malachheb_648
   Free space: 20018364416
   Used space: 1119879168
   Source nfs:

See storage5k --help for the list of additional options you can pass. You can also use the oarstat command to display your job related to the storage reservation.

Use your reserved space

The reserved space is used to store the input/output of your experiments, therefore you need to mount this space in your computing nodes later on. There are two use cases here: nodes reserved by an interactive job, and nodes reserved by a deploy job.

On nodes reserved by an interactive job

All your reserved storage spaces will be mounted/umounted automatically in these nodes.

  malachheb@fsophia:~$ oarsub -I 
  [ADMISSION RULE] Set default walltime to 3600.
  [ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
  Generate a job key...
  Interactive mode : waiting...
  Connect to OAR job 488925 via the node
  malachheb@suno-7:~$ df -ah
  Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda2             5.6G  2.3G  3.0G  44% /
  tmpfs                  16G     0   16G   0% /lib/init/rw
  proc                     0     0     0   -  /proc
  sysfs                    0     0     0   -  /sys
  udev                   16G  120K   16G   1% /dev
  tmpfs                  16G  4.0K   16G   1% /dev/shm
  devpts                   0     0     0   -  /dev/pts
  /dev/sda5             533G  198M  506G   1% /tmp
  kadeploy:/grid5000/    79G   62G   14G  83% /grid5000
                      12T  1.2T   11T  10% /home
  fusectl                  0     0     0   -  /sys/fs/fuse/connections
  none                     0     0     0   -  /dev/cpuset
                     9.9G   23M  9.9G   1% /data/malachheb_488924

Each reservation is mounted by default in the directory "/data/useruid_jobid" (e.g, /data/malachheb_488924). You can make a soft link for this directory in your home.

On nodes reserved by a deploy job

before, you should make a OAR deploy reservation and deploy your system image with kadeploy3 in your reserved nodes.

Terminal.png frontend:
oarsub -t deploy -l nodes=2 -r "2011-12-24 10:00:00"
Terminal.png frontend:
kadeploy3 -f $OAR_NODE_FILE -k -e squeeze-x64-nfs

Warning.png Warning

The deployed image should contain the nfs-common package, if not, you should install this package manually on the reserved nodes.
The following reference images already contain nfs-common: lenny-x64-nfs, lenny-x64-big, squeeze-x64-nfs, squeeze-x64-big, debian-x64-5-prod, squeeze-x64-prod.

The user should mount/umount manually her reserved space in these nodes as follows. You must specify the protocol that you used in your storage reservation (by default is the NFS protocol)

  • Mount/Umount ALL reserved space in ALL reserved nodes of the job (the deploy job with jobid 651 contain two nodes suno-6 and suno-7):
Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a mount -j 651 -p {iscsi or nfs}
  malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a mount -j 651 -p iscsi
  mount the storage reservation malachheb_651 in node [ Success]
  mount the storage reservation malachheb_651 in node [ Success]
Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a umount -j 651 -p {iscsi or nfs}
  malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a umount -j 651  -p iscsi                                                                                                                                                           
  umount the storage reservation malachheb_651 in node [ Success]
  umount the storage reservation malachheb_651 in node [ Success]
  • Mount/Umount ALL reserved space in ONE reserved node:
Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a mount -j 651 -m -p {iscsi or nfs}
  malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a mount -j 651 -m -p iscsi
  mount the storage reservation malachheb_651 in node [ Success]
Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a umount -j 651 -m -p {iscsi or nfs}
  malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a umount -j 651 -m -p iscsi                                                                                                                                                          
  umount the storage reservation malachheb_651 in node [ Success]

Access to your reserved space

  • Only the owner of the reservation can access to the reserved space.
  • In the case of deploy reservation, you must be logged in as your grid5000 username on the nodes, if you want to be able to list and create files in the reserved storage spaces.
Warning.png Warning

All Grid5000 users and groups is preconfigured in the reference images (except the min images), the use of reference images is highly recommended.
If you use another system image, you must add a user with the same uid/gid than your grid5000 username.

Delete your storage reservation

  • storage5k -a del -j $jobid
Terminal.png frontend:
storage5k -a del -j 648
  malachheb@fsophia:~$ storage5k -a del -j 488787
  Deleting the job = 488787 ...REGISTERED.
  The job(s) [ 488787 ] will be deleted in a near future.
Warning.png Warning

If you remove your storage reservation, you will lose all your data in the reserved space.

Remember to save your data before the deletion of your storage reservation.

And umount the reserved space from your nodes reserved by a deploy job, Otherwise the mounted space will be referenced to a partition that does not exist in the storage server.