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Working Group
Working groups aims to animate a part of the community around scientific themes
The current list of working groups with their leaders is:
- Transparent, safe and efficient large scale computing -- Stéphane Genaud (ICPS), Fabrice Huet (OASIS)
- Energy Efficient Large Scale Experimental Distributed Systems -- Laurent Lefèvre (AVALON), Jean-Marc Menaud (ASCOLA)
- Bring Grids Power to Internet-Users thanks to Virtualization Technologies -- Adrien Lèbre (ASCOLA), Yvon Jégou (MYRIADS)
- Efficient exploitation of highly heterogeneous and hierarchical large-scale systems Olivier Beaumont (CEPAGE), Fré́dé́ric Vivien (GRAAL)
- Efficient management of very large volumes of information for data-intensive applications -- Gabriel Antoniu (KERDATA), Jean-Marc Pierson (ASTRE)
- Completing challenging experiments on Grid’5000 -- Lucas Nussbaum (ALGORILLE), Olivier Richard (MESCAL)
- Modeling Large Scale Systems and Validating their Simulators -- Martin Quinson (ALGORILLE), Arnaud Legrand (MESCAL)
- Network metrology and traffic characterization -- Paulo Gonçalves (RESO), Konstantin Avrachenkov (MAESTRO)
Matrix of participation in working groups.