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Here we present the tools which have been developped by Hemera people to ease large scale experiments on Grid'5000.

Experiment Engines

  • EXPO: experiment engine for distributed platforms. It aims at simplifying the experimental process on such platforms. More informations on [1].
  • XPFlow: a new approach to description and execution of experiments involving large-scale computer installations. More informations on [2].
  • execo: a Python library that allows you to finely manage unix processes on thousands of remote hosts. More informations on [3].

Experiment planification

A new module has been added to Execo to directly access to the OAR database and retrieve the planning of the various ressources available on the Grid'5000 sites. This module can be used in a Python experimental script (see Execo planning example).

For non-Python user, a command line tool has been developped to ease a multi-site experiment planification.and is installed on any Grid'5000 frontend.

Please have a look at Funk documentation.

Funk Slots.png


A Python module, vm5k, has been created to help users managing virtual machines on Grid'5000. It allow to easily manage up to 10 000 virtual machines.

It is composed of:

  • a command line tool that automatically configure the hosts and deploy virtual machines on them,
  • a execo_engine that allow reproducible experiments involving virtual machines
  • a lib to deploy debian with KVM and libvirt and to manage virtual machines on these hosts

Documentation can be found here.


The Hemera initiative take a leading part in the development and deployment of a new monitoring system. It is based on the Kwapi framework, originally developped for OpenStack, and has been adapted and extended to provide fine-grain live monitoring of energy consumption and network traffic.

More information on page Monitoring.



Network topology
