Template:Site description

From Grid5000
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Specific informations of {{{1}}}'s site:

  • [[{{{1}}}:Hardware|Hardware]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Network|Network]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Storage|Storage]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:External access|External access]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:People|People]]
  • Administration

Direct access to resources for {{{1}}}'s site:

Shortcuts to global tools and informations:

Latest updated publications Five random publications that benefited from Grid'5000 (at least 2523 overall):

  • Clément Courageux-Sudan, Loic Guegan, Anne-Cécile Orgerie, Martin Quinson. A Flow-Level Wi-Fi Model for Large Scale Network Simulation. MSWiM 2022 - International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Oct 2022, Montreal, Canada. 10.1145/3551659.3559022. hal-03777726 view on HAL pdf
  • Wedan Emmanuel Gnibga, Anne Blavette, Anne-Cécile Orgerie. Latency, Energy and Carbon Aware Collaborative Resource Allocation with Consolidation and QoS Degradation Strategies in Edge Computing. ICPADS 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dec 2023, Hainan, China. pp.1-10. hal-04275783 view on HAL pdf
  • Aimen Djari, Yackolley Amoussou-Guenou, Emmanuelle Anceaume, Sara Tucci Piergiovanni, Antonella Del Pozzo. Yggdrasil: Secure State Sharding of Transactions and Smart Contracts that Self-adapts to Transaction Load. 2022. hal-03793291v2 view on HAL pdf
  • Chih-Kai Huang, Guillaume Pierre. Acala: Aggregate Monitoring for Geo-Distributed Cluster Federations. SAC 2023 - 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Mar 2023, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.1-9, 10.1145/3555776.3577716. hal-03899133 view on HAL pdf
  • Volodia Parol-Guarino, Nikos Parlavantzas. GIRAFF: Reverse Auction-based Placement for Fog Functions. WoSC 2023 - 9th International Workshop on Serverless Computing, Dec 2023, Bologna, Italy. pp.53-58, 10.1145/3631295.3631402. hal-04384516 view on HAL pdf

Latest updated experiments {{#experiments: 5|{{{1}}}}}
