Template:Site description

From Grid5000
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Specific informations of {{{1}}}'s site:

  • [[{{{1}}}:Hardware|Hardware]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Network|Network]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:Storage|Storage]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:External access|External access]]
  • [[{{{1}}}:People|People]]
  • Administration

Direct access to resources for {{{1}}}'s site:

Shortcuts to global tools and informations:

Latest updated publications Five random publications that benefited from Grid'5000 (at least 2523 overall):

  • Georgios Damaskinos, Rachid Guerraoui, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Vlad Nitu, Rhicheek Patra, et al.. FLeet: Online Federated Learning via Staleness Awareness and Performance Prediction. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2022, 13 (5), pp.1-30. 10.1145/3527621. hal-03906055 view on HAL pdf
  • Karam Aloui, Damien Jamet, Hajime Kaneko, Steffen Kopecki, Pierre Popoli, et al.. On the binary digits of n and n². 2022. hal-03605029v2 view on HAL pdf
  • Tom Hubrecht, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Paul Zimmermann, Laurence Rideau, Laurent Théry. Towards a correctly-rounded and fast power function in binary64 arithmetic. 2024. hal-04159652v2 view on HAL pdf
  • Sewade Ogun, Vincent Colotte, Emmanuel Vincent. Can we use Common Voice to train a Multi-Speaker TTS system?. The 2022 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2022), Jan 2023, Doha, Qatar. hal-03812715 view on HAL pdf
  • Georgios Zervakis, Emmanuel Vincent, Miguel Couceiro, Marc Schoenauer, Esteban Marquer. An analogy based approach for solving target sense verification. NLPIR 2022 - 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, Dec 2022, Bangkok, Thailand. hal-03792071 view on HAL pdf

Latest updated experiments {{#experiments: 5|{{{1}}}}}
