Organised by ALADDIN-G5K and the Lille - Nord Europe INRIA research center and partially hosted at Université de Lille 1.
After the successful 2006 and 2009 editions, Grid'5000 practitioners and future users are invited to gather, learn and share experience around the usage of Grid'5000 as a scientific instrument.
Organized in Lille, from April 6th to April 9th 2010, this spring school will bring together, but is not limited to, Grid'5000's users, technical team and executive committee for 4 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practices and results. Presentations and practical sessions will cover both:
- basic usage of the platform, for new users, or potential users of Grid'5000
- advanced usage of the platform, for current users
A challenge to showcase tools and environments demonstrating the deployment of distributed or Grid middleware on Grid'5000 will be held this year for the first time.
Language for the school will be English.
The program is organized as follows:
- In the morning,
- keynote lectures and
- presentations of experimental results and feedback by Grid'5000 users
- In the afternoon, practical sessions organized by the technical staff or by seasoned users
A provisional program will be made available, as well as details of the practical sessions.
Call for presentation and practical sessions
Important dates
- February 15th, 2010: submission deadline
- March 15th, 2010: notification to authors
- March 31st, 2010: Registration to the Grid'5000 Large Scale Deployment Challenge.
Call for presentations
Grid'5000 users are invited to submit papers presenting results obtained using Grid'5000 as well as the tools and techniques used to produce these results.
They will be evaluated based on:
- their scientific contribution,
- the quality of their experimental process
- the potential for other users to reproduce those experiments and/or to learn from those experiments for their own problems
- availability and visibility of the environments and scripts used, or
- clear description of the techniques used
The presentations will last 30mn and will have a fixed format with
- 15mn to describe the scientific results
- 5 to 10mn to present techniques used to conduct the experiments
- 10 to 5mn for questions.
Submissions should be 4 to 6 pages, single column self contained documents. This document will be published in electronic conference proceedings.
Submissions will be handled through easychair, in the presentation track. You need to register as an author first, before submitting your presentation.
Call for practical sessions
Seasoned Grid'5000 users are invited to submit proposals for practical sessions. These practical sessions should be focused on dedicated kadeploy environments maintained by the submitters or on specific tools developed or used to ease the use of Grid'5000 (e.g. on common use-cases of the instrument). In particular, maintainers of Glite, Condor or cloud management stack (to name a few) are invited to make their work known. Practical sessions should be 1,5h or 2h long, or combine 2 sessions.
Authors are invited to submit a 2 page long proposal detailing the tool, environment or technique that will be taught to practitioners, as well as the main steps of the practical session.
Submissions will be handled through easychair, in the practical track. You need to register as an author first, before submitting your practical session proposal.
Registration for the Grid'5000 Large Scale Deployment Challenge
For the first time, Grid'5000 users are invited this year to take part in a challenge to showcase tools and environments demonstrating the deployment of distributed or Grid middleware on Grid'5000. Teams are expected to demonstrate their know-how in the deployment of Grid (Glite, XtreemOS, Globus to name a few) or Cloud middleware. Participants will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Deployment time, and number of sites and nodes deployed
- Complexity of the deployed middleware, and realism of Grid'5000 usage scenario for this middleware
- Ease of deployment by other users (documentation and script repository availability)
- Interest of the deployed middleware for the community
- Elegance of the solution
Participants are expected to submit, by March 31st, 2010, a short 2 to 4 pages description of their intended entry in the contest, through easychair, in the challenge track. You need to register as an author first, before submitting a description of your entry. This description should include
- The members of the team taking part (Technical team members are not allowed)
- A short description of the deployed middleware
- An overview of how the middleware will be deployed on Grid'5000
This description will act as a registration to the contest. Final entry will consist in an updated version of this document, links to documentation of this work and a demonstration run on Grid'5000, planned Friday morning, during the school.
Prizes to be announced
Organization and program committee
- Nouredine Melab,
- Fabrice Huet,
- Michel Dayde
- David Margery
- and members of the executive committee:
- Frédéric Desprez
- Emmanuel Jeannot
- Yvon Jegou
- Laurent Lefevre
- Martin Quinson
- Lucas Nussbaum
- Pierre Sens
- Olivier Richard
- Christian Perez
Local chairs
- Nouredine Melab
- with help from B. Derbel, J-C. Charr
We thank:
l'INRIA Lille - Nord Europe for hosting the event and administrative support | ALADDIN-G5K for financial support, | |||
INRIA's Technological development department for the support of ALADDIN-G5K | l'Institut des Grilles for the support of this spring school | |||
université de Lille 1 for providing the equipment for practical sessions, wifi access for main sessions as well as financial support | l'INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique for administrative support | |||
CNRS/LIFL for financial support |
Registering is a two steps action.
- you need to register as a participant
- you need to register to the practical sessions you intend to take part in during the first week of April
Fees include midday meals and the gala diner Thursday evening
- 150€ for full price registration
- 100€ for students
Should you have any troubles with the registration process, please contact David Margery (David.Margery at or Edith Blin (Edith.Blin at
Practical information
Please use the information on the page compiled by the local chair.
Registration, Main sessions and lunch will be taken at the Ascotel Hotel
Practical sessions will take place in M5 building, université de Lille.
Detailed information can be found here