
From Grid5000
Revision as of 09:53, 12 July 2013 by Lpouilloux (talk | contribs)
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(F)ind yo(U)r (N)odes on g5(K) is a tool that help you to plan your multi-site experiments on Grid5000. It is a Python script based on Execo that give you the number of available nodes or the time slot when the required ressources will be available.

Source can be found here



Finding the number of available nodes from now to now + walltime -w 1:00:00 -m now -r grid5000

Finding the first free slots for a resource combination -w 2:00:00 -m free -r lille:10,lyon:10,sophia:10

Finding the maximum number of nodes available for the resource and with a KaVLAN -w 10:00:00 -m max -r lyon,sophia,edel -k

No installation

A bash wrapper is installed on lyon frontend in /home/lpouilloux/bin/funk and allow you to use funk without any configuration. Just type

With installation

You need to inst



Three modes (-m):

  • now = give you the number of nodes available at the time the script is run
  • free = find the slots for a combination of resources
  • max = find the maximum number of nodes for the period specified.