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Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. - See more at: http://ceph.com/


File:Ceph stack.png

Grid'5000 Deployement

Sites Size Configuration Rados RBD CephFS RadosGW
Rennes 8,6 TB 16 OSDs on 4 nodes Check.png Check.png Fail.png Fail.png


Generate your key

In order to access to the object store you will need a Cephx key. See : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/ui/

Your key will also available from the frontends :

# curl -k https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/auths/jdoe.keyring
  key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==

Note : Replace `jdoe` by your login.

Create Ceph pool