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Grid'5000 is a scientific instrument supporting experiment-driven research in all areas of computer science, including high performance computing, distributed computing, networking and big data.
Download a general introduction, or a screencast of recent webUI developments

Current status (at 2024-07-21 19:23): 2 current events, 1 planned (details)

Latest updates from Grid'5000 users

  • Publications

Five random publications that benefited from Grid'5000 (at least 2515 overall):

  • Petr Dzurenda, Florian Jacques, Manon Knockaert, Maryline Laurent, Lukas Malina, et al.. Privacy-preserving solution for vehicle parking services complying with EU legislation. PeerJ Computer Science, 2022, 8, pp.e1165. 10.7717/peerj-cs.1165. hal-03997331 view on HAL pdf
  • Kadir Korkmaz, Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix, Sonia Ben Mokhtar, Laurent Réveillère. ALDER: Unlocking blockchain performance by multiplexing consensus protocols. 2022 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Dec 2022, Boston, United States. pp.9-18, 10.1109/NCA57778.2022.10013556. hal-03966159 view on HAL pdf
  • Marc Jourdan, Rémy Degenne, Dorian Baudry, Rianne de Heide, Emilie Kaufmann. Top Two Algorithms Revisited. NeurIPS 2022 - 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing System, Nov 2022, New Orleans, United States. hal-03825103 view on HAL pdf
  • Chih-Kai Huang, Guillaume Pierre. Acala: Aggregate Monitoring for Geo-Distributed Cluster Federations. SAC 2023 - 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Mar 2023, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.1-9, 10.1145/3555776.3577716. hal-03899133 view on HAL pdf
  • Nikolaus Frohner, Jan Gmys, Nouredine Melab, Günther R. Raidl, El-Ghazali Talbi. Parallel Beam Search for Combinatorial Optimization. SoCS 2022 - 15th International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, Jul 2022, Vienne, Austria. 10.1609/socs.v15i1.21783. hal-03689638 view on HAL pdf

Latest news

Grid'5000 tutorial days in Lille

We are happy to let you known that tutorials around Grid'5000 will be organized in Lille on November 20th, 2014, with a few seats available for people outside Lille. All information on the dedicated web page.

Grid'5000 spring school now finished

The Grid'5000 spring school took place between June 16th, 2014 and June 19th, 2014 in Lyon. Three awards were given for presentation or challenge entries (the challenge entries ended as a tie):

Best presentation award to Miguel Liroz Gistau

Best presentation award to Miguel Liroz Gistau, Reza Akbarinia and Patrick Valduriez

Best challenge entry to Tomasz Buchert, Emmanuel Jeanvoine and Lucas Nussbaum

Best challenge entry to Tomasz Buchert, Emmanuel Jeanvoine and Lucas Nussbaum

Best challenge entry to Jonathan Pastor and Laurent Pouilloux

Best challenge entry to Jonathan Pastor and Laurent Pouilloux

read more news

Grid'5000 at a glance


  • Grid'5000 is a scientific instrument for the study of large scale parallel and distributed systems. It aims at providing a highly reconfigurable, controlable and monitorable experimental platform to its users. The initial aim (circa 2003) was to reach 5000 processors in the platform. It has been reframed at 5000 cores, and was reached during winter 2008-2009.
  • The infrastructure of Grid'5000 is geographically distributed on different sites hosting the instrument, initially 9 sites in France (10 since 2011). Porto Alegre, Brazil is now officially becoming the first site abroad.


Grid'5000 allows experiments in all these software layers
  • Grid'5000 is a research effort developing a large scale nation wide infrastructure for large scale parallel and distributed computing research.
  • 19 laboratories are involved in France with the objective of providing the community a testbed allowing experiments in all the software layers between the network protocols up to the applications.

The current plans are to extend from the 9 initial sites each with 100 to a thousand PCs, connected by the RENATER Education and Research Network to a bigger platform including a few sites outside France not necessarily connected through a dedicated network connection. Sites in Brazil and Luxembourg should join shortly, and Reims has now joined.

All sites in France are connected to RENATER with a 10Gb/s link, except Reims, for the time linked through a 1Gb/s

This high collaborative research effort is funded by INRIA, CNRS, the Universities of all sites and some regional councils.

ALADDIN-G5K : ensuring the development of Grid'5000

For the 2008-2012 period, Engineers ensuring the development and day to day support of the infrastructure are mostly provided by INRIA, under the ADT ALADDIN-G5K initiative.

HEMERA: Demonstrating ambitious up-scaling techniques on Grid'5000

Héméra is an INRIA Large Wingspan project, started in 2010, that aims at demonstrating ambitious up-scaling techniques for large scale distributed computing by carrying out several dimensioning experiments on the Grid’5000 infrastructure, at animating the scientific community around Grid’5000 and at enlarging the Grid’5000 community by helping newcomers to make use of Grid’5000.

Initial Rationale

The foundations of Grid'5000 have emerged from a thorough analysis and numerous discussions about methodologies used for scientific research in the Grid domain. A report presents the rationale for Grid'5000.

In addition to theory, simulators and emulators, there is a strong need for large scale testbeds where real life experimental conditions hold. The size of Grid'5000, in terms of number of sites and number of processors per site, was established according to the scale of the experiments and the number of researchers involved in the project.

Current funding

As from June 2008, INRIA is the main contributor to Grid'5000 funding.


Logo INRIA.gif




University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
University of Rennes 1, Rennes
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse / INSA / FERIA / Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
University Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux
University Lille 1, Lille
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims

Regional councils

Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur
Nord Pas de Calais