Tutorial or Teaching Labs Trainee HowTo

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You are reading this page because you are attending as a trainee a tutorial or teaching lab that requests from you to use Grid'5000.

Grid'5000 is a large-scale and flexible testbed for experiment-driven research in all areas of computer science, with a focus on parallel and distributed computing including Cloud, HPC and Big Data and AI. More information in the Grid5000:Home page.

To use Grid'5000, the first requirement is to get an account.

Case 1: trainee is new to Grid'5000

You never had a Grid'5000 account.

The tutorial or teaching lab manager is in charge of the first steps for the new account creation, and will do the initial registration for you: give your first name, last name, email, affiliation/professional status, etc (as for all other trainees).

Thus, you should either already have received an email with as subject:

[Grid5000-account] Your Grid5000 account was created by ...

Or should wait for it (mind looking in your spam folder).

Please follow the instructions provided in the email: open the URL and finish the account creation by providing a password and an SSH public key (see SSH for details on how to create and configure an SSH key).

Once done, your account will be active. You will then be able to access the Grid'5000 platform. If needed, use this form to reset your password. You may also change your SSH key from your account management interface

At this point, it may be useful to read the Getting Started tutorial, or to follow any other direction that your tutorial or teaching lab manager may provide you.

Warning.png Warning

Please note that rules must be followed when using Grid'5000, as given is the UsagePolicy, and in the General Conditions of Use.

Case 2: trainee already has a Grid'5000 account

If your account is active and uses the same email address as the tutorial or teaching lab manager will provide for you, the process will just add your current user account to the user group of the lab (you will receive an email informing you about that). You will use your current account for the lab.

Mind making sure you have your password at hand and that your SSH keys are correctly set to access the platform, just like new users.

Special cases
  • If your account is retired:

If you had a Grid'5000 account that is now retired, that account will be re-enabled along being joining the user group of the tutorial or teaching lab.

  • If your account is locked:

Instructions will be sent by email and the case will have to be handled by the Grid'5000 staff.

  • If the email address associated with your current account differs from the one provided by the tutorial or teaching manager:

Grid'5000 accounts are tied to email addresses. As a result, an account creation request that provides a new email address will create a new account. Unless you really want a separate account, it is recommended to fix the situation by asking the lab manager to redo the initial lab user account creation procedure with the email address of your current account. If not, you will have to use the new account.

  • If you don't remember your Grid'5000 password

Use this form to have a new password sent to the email address that is associated with your Grid'5000 account.