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How to be a good Grid'5000 citizen ?


The Grid'5000 platform is intended to support research in all areas of computer science related to grid computing. You should use Grid'5000 in the perspective of large scale experiments (at least 3 sites and 1000 CPUs). Usage of a single cluster is strongly discouraged and may lead to account cancelation. You should NOT use Grid'5000 as a production platform. Any usage of Grid'5000 should make progress in Computer Science. You may generate useful results for other communities, as long as the community of computer science researchers learn something from your experiments.

It is a shared tool, used by many people with different and varying needs.

The main objective of the administrators is to make the tool available to experiments involving a significant number of nodes (in the 1000's). To make this possible, reservation fragmentation must be avoided as much as possible as using a complete cluster in only one site can prevent reservations with a significant number of nodes.

A second objective is to keep the platform available for the development of experiments during the day. Therefore, reservations using all the nodes available on one site during work hours (in France) should be avoided.

Platform availability is still greatly dependant on the administrators solving day to day issues. Therefore, the third objective is to allow for experiments to run while administrators are available.

The last objective is to use the machines as much as possible, as long as this usage doesn't interfere with the first three objectives.

Good usage rules (All users)

  1. Tuesday is the only day where you should feel authorized to use all the machines of a cluster during work hours. On the other days, please leave a few nodes for people developing or preparing an experiment.
  2. If you want to use machines on a Tuesday, please do not reserve them before 13:00pm on the preceding Monday if is not a big scale experiment.
  3. You should probably not have more than 2 reservations in advance, because it kills good resource usage. Please submit jobs instead
  4. You should not be submitting jobs or making reservations if your experiment is not described in your User report
  5. You must mention Grid'5000 in all publications presenting results or content obtained or derived from the usage of Grid'5000.

Good usage rules (Local users)

Some sites have opened accounts on a local branch of LDAP. Users on these branches only have access to the local cluster. In addition to the above rules, they should

  1. Not have more than one reservation in advance
  2. Prefer submissions (let oar decide when to run the job) to reservations (specifying a time when the job should run) as much as possible
  3. Limit the size of their jobs to reasonable proportions such as those locally defined by the local site they have access to. The size of a job can by defined by the product of the number of machines by the time the cluster is used (e.g. In Rennes, this would be around 640h).