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{{Maintainer|Pascal Morillon}}
{{Maintainer|Pascal Morillon}}
{{Author|Pascal Morillon}}
{{Author|Pascal Morillon}}
Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. - See more at: http://ceph.com/

= Introduction =
This pages gives information with regards to the managed Ceph service provided by Grid'5000.

Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. - See more at: http://ceph.com/
== About Ceph ==

== Architecture ==
The following documentation show the architecture:

== Grid'5000 Deployment ==
== Grid'5000 Deployment ==
Line 24: Line 27:
| class="left" |[[Rennes:Home|Rennes]]
| class="left" |[[Rennes:Home|Rennes]]
| 8,6 TB
| ~ 9TB
| 16 OSDs on 4 nodes
| 16 OSDs on 4 nodes
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| [[Image:Fail.png]]
| class="left" |[[Nantes:Home|Nantes]]
| ~ 7TB
| 12 OSDs on 4 nodes
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
| [[Image:Check.png]]
Line 36: Line 47:
== Generate your key ==
== Generate your key ==

In order to access to the object store you will need a Cephx key. See : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/ui/
In order to access to the object store you will need a Cephx key. See : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/ui/

Your key will also available from the frontends :
Click on '''Generate a Cephx Key'''. A new key is generated.

  # curl -k https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/auths/jdoe.keyring
Your key is now available from the frontends :
  {{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">curl</code> -k https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/auths/jdoe.keyring}}
   key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==
   key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==

'''Note :''' Replace <code class='replace'>jdoe</code> by your login.
'''Note :''' Replace <code class='replace'>jdoe</code> by your login and <code class='replace'>rennes</code> by nantes if your experiment is at Nantes.
== Create/Update/Delete Ceph pools ==
''Requirement :'' [[Ceph#Generate_your_key|Generate your key]]
Manage your Ceph pools from the Grid'5000 Ceph frontend :
* https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/ui/
* https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/nantes/storage/ceph/ui/
Currently each users are limited to 4 pools.
=== Replication size ===
* 1 : No replication (not secured, most efficient for write operations, not recommended : one disk crash and all datas are lost)
* n : One primary object + n-1 replicas (more security, less efficient for write operations)
{{Note|text=See https://ceph.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/weil-thesis.pdf (page 130)}}

== Create Ceph pool ==
You can edit the replication size by clicking on the replication size value. If the new value is greater than the old value, objects will automatically be replicated. Depending the amount of objects this operation will stress the Ceph cluster and take more or less time.

''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Generate_your_key|Generate your key]]
=== Quota ===

Manage your Ceph pools from the Grid'5000 Ceph frontend : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/storage/ceph/ui/
Quota is currently limited to 2TB per pools. You can change this quota at any time by clicking on the quota value, so prefer to use a small/realistic quota first.
=== Expiration date ===
The default expiration date is limited to 2 months. You can extend the expiration date at any time by clicking on the expiration date value.

== Configure Ceph on clients ==
== Configure Ceph on clients ==

=== On a deployed environment ===
=== On the frontend or a node with standard environment ===

frennes # oarsub -I -t deploy
Create a ceph configuration file <code class='file'>~/.ceph/config</code> :
frennes # kadeploy3 -e ubuntu-x64-1404 -k -f $OAR_NODEFILE
frennes # ssh root@node
node # apt-get install ceph

Create a ceph configuration file <code class='file'>/etc/ceph/ceph.conf</code> :
* For Nantes :

  mon initial members = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
mon host = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
  mon host =,,
keyring = /home/<login>/.ceph/ceph.client.<login>.keyring
* For Rennes :
mon host = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
keyring = /home/<login>/.ceph/ceph.client.<login>.keyring
Create a ceph keyring file <code class='file'>~/.ceph/ceph.client.</code><code class='replace'>$USER</code><code class='file'>.keyring</code> with your keyring :
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">curl</code> -k https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/auths/$USER.keyring > ~/.ceph/ceph.client.$USER.keyring}}
'''Note''' : Replace ''rennes'' by nantes if your are at Nantes.
export CEPH_CONF=~/.ceph/config
export CEPH_ARGS="--id $USER"

Create a ceph keyring file <code class='file'>/etc/ceph/ceph.client.</code><code class='replace'>jdoe</code><code class='file'>.keyring</code> with your keyring :
'''Note''' : maybe a good idea to export CEPH_CONF and CEPH_ARGS in your <code class='file'>~/.bashrc</code> or <code class='file'>~/.zshrc</code> file.
  key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==
=== Test ===
$ ceph health
$ ceph osd tree
# id weight type name up/down reweight
-1 8.608 root default
-6 8.608 datacenter rennes
-2 2.152 host ceph0
0 0.538 osd.0 up 1
1 0.538 osd.1 up 1
2 0.538 osd.2 up 1
3 0.538 osd.3 up 1
-3 2.152 host ceph1
4 0.538 osd.4 up 1
5 0.538 osd.5 up 1
6 0.538 osd.6 up 1
7 0.538 osd.7 up 1
-4 2.152 host ceph2
8 0.538 osd.8 up 1
9 0.538 osd.9 up 1
10 0.538 osd.10 up 1
11 0.538 osd.11 up 1
-5 2.152 host ceph3
12 0.538 osd.12 up 1
14 0.538 osd.14 up 1
  15 0.538 osd.15 up 1
13 0.538 osd.13 up 1

= Usage =
= Usage =

== Rados access ==
== Rados Object Store access ==

''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Create_Ceph_pool|Create a Ceph pool]] • [[Ceph#Configure_Ceph_on_clients|Configure Ceph on client]]
''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Create.2FDelete_Ceph_pool|Create a Ceph pool]] • [[Ceph#Configure_Ceph_on_clients|Configure Ceph on client]]

=== From command line ===
=== From command line ===
Line 81: Line 157:
==== Put an object into a pool ====
==== Put an object into a pool ====

node # rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool put <infile> <objectname>
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_objects</code> put <code class="replace"><objectname></code> <code class="replace"><infile></code>}}

==== List object of a pool ====
==== List objects of a pool ====

node # rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool ls
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_objects</code> ls}}

==== Get object from a pool ====
==== Get object from a pool ====

node # rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool get <objectname> <outfile>
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_objects</code> get <code class="replace"><objectname></code> <code class="replace"><outfile></code>}}

==== Remove an object ====
==== Remove an object ====

node # rados --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool rm <objectname>
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_objects</code> rm <code class="replace"><objectname></code>}}
==== Usage informations ====
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_objects</code> df}}
pool name      category                KB      objects      clones    degraded      unfound          rd        rd KB          wr        wr KB
jdoe_objects -                    1563027            2            0            0          0            0            0          628      2558455
  total used      960300628      295991
  total avail    7800655596
  total space    9229804032
=== From your application (C/C++, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP...) ===
'''See :''' https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/api/librados-intro/?highlight=librados
=== Rados benchmarks ===
==== On a 1G ethernet client ====
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">oarsub</code> -I -p parapluie}}
===== Write (16 concurrent operations) =====
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">pmorillo_bench</code> bench 60 write --no-cleanup}}
  sec Cur ops  started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat  avg lat
    0      0        0        0        0        0        -        0
    1      16        39        23  91.9669        92  0.91312  0.429879
    2      16        70        54  107.973      124  0.679348  0.458774
    3      16        96        80  106.644      104  0.117995  0.48914
    4      16      126      110    109.98      120  0.207923  0.520003
    5      16      154      138    110.38      112  0.370721  0.521431
    6      16      180      164  109.314      104  0.293496  0.533345
Total time run:        60.321552
Total reads made:    1691
Read size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    112.132
Average Latency:      0.569955
Max latency:          4.06499
Min latency:          0.055024
=====  Read =====

=== From your application code (C/C++, Python, Java, Ruby, ...) ===
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">pmorillo_bench</code> bench 60 seq}}
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes for at least 60 seconds.
Object prefix: benchmark_data_parapluie-31.rennes.grid5000._25776
  sec Cur ops  started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat  avg lat
    0      0        0        0        0        0        -        0
    1      16        39        23    91.98        92  0.553582  0.434956
    2      16        66        50  99.9807      108  0.471024  0.486303
    3      16        95        79  105.314      116  0.654954  0.510875
    4      16      124      108  107.981      116  0.522723  0.535851
    5      16      151      135  107.981      108  0.244908  0.547624
    6      16      180      164  109.314      116  0.239384  0.54942
Total time run:        60.478634
Total writes made:      1694
Write size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    112.040
Stddev Bandwidth:      15.9269
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 124
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average Latency:        0.571046
Stddev Latency:        0.354297
Max latency:            2.62603
Min latency:            0.165878
==== On a 10G ethernet client ====
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">oarsub</code> -I -p paranoia}}
===== Write (16 concurrent operations) =====
* Pool replication size : 1
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">pmorillo_bench</code> bench 60 write --no-cleanup}}
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes for at least 60 seconds.
Object prefix: benchmark_data_paranoia-3.rennes.grid5000.fr_5626
  sec Cur ops  started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat  avg lat
    0      0        0        0        0        0        -        0
    1      16      146      130  519.915      520  0.488794  0.103537
    2      16      247      231  461.933      404  0.164705  0.126076
    3      16      330      314  418.612      332  0.036563  0.148763
    4      16      460      444  443.941      520  0.177378  0.141696
Total time run:        60.579488
Total writes made:      5965
Write size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    393.863
Stddev Bandwidth:      83.789
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 520
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average Latency:        0.162479
Stddev Latency:        0.195071
Max latency:            1.7959
Min latency:            0.033313

'''See :''' http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/api/librados-intro/
===== Read =====

{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rados</code> --pool <code class="replace">pmorillo_bench</code> bench 60 seq}}
  sec Cur ops  started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat  avg lat
    0      0        0        0        0        0        -        0
    1      16      288      272  1087.78      1088  0.028679 0.0556937
    2      16      569      553  1105.82      1124  0.049299 0.0569641
    3      16      850      834  1111.85      1124  0.024369 0.0566906
    4      16      1127      1111  1110.86      1108  0.024855 0.0570628
    5      16      1406      1390  1111.86      1116  0.182567 0.0568681
Total time run:        21.377795
Total reads made:    5965
Read size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    1116.111
Average Latency:      0.0573023
Max latency:          0.270447
Min latency:          0.011937

== RBD (Rados Block Device) ==
== RBD (Rados Block Device) ==

''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Create_Ceph_pool|Create a Ceph pool]] • [[Ceph#Configure_Ceph_on_clients|Configure Ceph on client]]
''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Create.2FDelete_Ceph_pool|Create a Ceph pool]] • [[Ceph#Configure_Ceph_on_clients|Configure Ceph on client]]

=== Create a Rados Block Device ===
=== Create a Rados Block Device ===

node # rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool create --size <MB> <rbd_name>
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">rbd</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_rbd</code> create <code class="replace"><rbd_name></code> --size <code class="replace"><MB></code>}}
node # rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool ls
node # rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool info <rbd_name>
{{Warning|text=Ceph server release is older than frontend. For the moment we have to force "--image-format=1". Which create the warning "rbd: image format 1 is deprecated" }}
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">rbd</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_rbd</code> ls}}
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">rbd</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_rbd</code> info <code class="replace"><rbd_name></code>}}
Exemple :
$ rbd -p pmorillo_rbd create datas --size 4096
$ rbd -p pmorillo_rbd ls
$ rbd -p pmorillo_rbd info datas
rbd image 'datas':
size 4096 MB in 1024 objects
order 22 (4096 kB objects)
block_name_prefix: rb.0.604e.238e1f29
format: 1
Note : ''rbd -p pmorillo_rbd info datas'' is equivalent to ''rbd info pmorillo_rbd/datas''

=== Create filesystem and mount RBD ===
=== Create filesystem and mount RBD ===

node # modprobe rbd
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">oarsub</code> -I -t deploy}}
  node # rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool map <rbd_name>
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">kadeploy3</code> -e debian11-x64-base -f $OAR_NODEFILE -k}}
  node # rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool showmapped
{{Term|location=frontend|cmd=<code class="command">ssh</code> root@<code class="replace">deployed_node</code>}}
  id pool         image snap device  
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">apt</code> install ceph}}
  1  jdoe_pool <rbd_name> -    /dev/rbd1
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">modprobe</code> rbd}}
node # mkfs.ext4 /dev/rbd1
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">modinfo</code> rbd}}
node # mkdir /mnt/rbd
node # mount /dev/rbd1 /mnt/rbd
Create Ceph configuration file <code class="file">/etc/ceph/ceph.conf</code> :
node # df -h
mon host = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
Get CephX key from the frontend :
  frennes $ curl -k https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/auths/$USER.keyring | ssh root@<code class="replace">deployed_node</code> "cat - > /etc/ceph/ceph.client.$USER.keyring"
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rbd</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_pool</code> map <code class="replace"><rbd_name></code>}}
Exemple :
  rbd --id pmorillo map pmorillo_rbd/datas
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rbd</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">jdoe_pool</code> showmapped}}
Exemple :
rbd --id pmorillo showmapped
  id pool         image snap device
  0 pmorillo_rbd datas -    /dev/rbd0
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">mkfs.ext4</code> <code class="replace">/dev/rbd0</code>}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">mkdir</code> /mnt/rbd}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">mount</code> <code class="replace">/dev/rbd0</code> /mnt/rbd}}
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">df</code> -h}}
  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  /dev/sda3        15G  1.6G  13G  11% /
  /dev/sda3        15G  1.6G  13G  11% /
  /dev/sda5      525G  70M  498G  1% /tmp
  /dev/sda5      525G  70M  498G  1% /tmp
  /dev/rbd1        93M 1.6M   85M  2% /mnt/rbd
  /dev/rbd0      3.9G 8.0M  3.6G   1% /mnt/rbd
'''Note''' : To map rbd at boot time, use <code class="command">/etc/ceph/rbdmap</code> file :
# RbdDevice Parameters
#poolname/imagename id=client,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.keyring

=== Resize, snapshots, copy, etc... ===
=== Resize, snapshots, copy, etc... ===
Line 134: Line 364:
* http://ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-snapshot/
* http://ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-snapshot/
* rbd -h
* rbd -h

== QEMU/RBD ==
== QEMU/RBD ==

''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Create_Ceph_pool|Create a Ceph pool]] • [[Ceph#Configure_Ceph_on_clients|Configure Ceph on client]]
''Requierement :'' [[Ceph#Create.2FDelete_Ceph_pool|Create a Ceph pool]] • [[Ceph#Configure_Ceph_on_clients|Configure Ceph on client]]

=== Convert a qcow2 file into RBD ===
=== Convert a qcow2 file into RBD ===

frennes # scp /grid5000/virt-images/wheezy-x64-base.qcow2 root@<node>:/tmp
{{Term|location=frennes|cmd=<code class="command">oarsub</code> -I}}
node # qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw /tmp/wheezy-x64-base.qcow2 rbd:<pool_name>/debian7:id=jdoe
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">qemu-img</code> convert -f qcow2 -O raw /grid5000/virt-images/debian11-x64-base.qcow2 rbd:<code class="replace">pool_name</code>/debian11:id=<code class="replace">jdoe</code>}}
node # rbd --id jdoe --pool <pool_name> ls
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">rbd</code> --id <code class="replace">jdoe</code> --pool <code class="replace">pool_name</code> ls}}
=== Start KVM virtual machine ===
=== Start KVM virtual machine from a Rados Block Device ===

node # screen kvm -m 1024 -drive format=raw,file=rbd:<pool_name>/debian7:id=pmorillo -nographic
{{Term|location=node|cmd=<code class="command">screen kvm</code> -m 1024 -drive format=raw,file=rbd:<code class="replace">pool_name</code>/debian11:id=<code class="replace">jdoe</code> -nographic}}

Latest revision as of 13:40, 31 March 2022

Note.png Note

This page is actively maintained by the Grid'5000 team. If you encounter problems, please report them (see the Support page). Additionally, as it is a wiki page, you are free to make minor corrections yourself if needed. If you would like to suggest a more fundamental change, please contact the Grid'5000 team.

Ceph is a distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. - See more at: http://ceph.com/

This pages gives information with regards to the managed Ceph service provided by Grid'5000.

About Ceph

The following documentation show the architecture: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/architecture/

Grid'5000 Deployment

Sites Size Configuration Rados RBD CephFS RadosGW
Rennes ~ 9TB 16 OSDs on 4 nodes Check.png Check.png Fail.png Fail.png
Nantes ~ 7TB 12 OSDs on 4 nodes Check.png Check.png Fail.png Fail.png


Generate your key

In order to access to the object store you will need a Cephx key. See : https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/ui/

Click on Generate a Cephx Key. A new key is generated.

Your key is now available from the frontends :

  key = AQBwknVUwAPAIRAACddyuVTuP37M55s2aVtPrg==

Note : Replace jdoe by your login and rennes by nantes if your experiment is at Nantes.

Create/Update/Delete Ceph pools

Requirement : Generate your key

Manage your Ceph pools from the Grid'5000 Ceph frontend :

Currently each users are limited to 4 pools.

Ceph g5k frontend.png

Replication size

  • 1 : No replication (not secured, most efficient for write operations, not recommended : one disk crash and all datas are lost)
  • n : One primary object + n-1 replicas (more security, less efficient for write operations)

You can edit the replication size by clicking on the replication size value. If the new value is greater than the old value, objects will automatically be replicated. Depending the amount of objects this operation will stress the Ceph cluster and take more or less time.


Quota is currently limited to 2TB per pools. You can change this quota at any time by clicking on the quota value, so prefer to use a small/realistic quota first.

Expiration date

The default expiration date is limited to 2 months. You can extend the expiration date at any time by clicking on the expiration date value.

Configure Ceph on clients

On the frontend or a node with standard environment

Create a ceph configuration file ~/.ceph/config :

  • For Nantes :
mon host = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
keyring = /home/<login>/.ceph/ceph.client.<login>.keyring
  • For Rennes :
mon host = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2
keyring = /home/<login>/.ceph/ceph.client.<login>.keyring

Create a ceph keyring file ~/.ceph/ceph.client.$USER.keyring with your keyring :

Terminal.png frontend:

Note : Replace rennes by nantes if your are at Nantes.

export CEPH_CONF=~/.ceph/config
export CEPH_ARGS="--id $USER"

Note : maybe a good idea to export CEPH_CONF and CEPH_ARGS in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file.


$ ceph health
$ ceph osd tree
# id	weight	type name	up/down	reweight
-1	8.608	root default
-6	8.608		datacenter rennes
-2	2.152			host ceph0
0	0.538				osd.0	up	1
1	0.538				osd.1	up	1
2	0.538				osd.2	up	1
3	0.538				osd.3	up	1
-3	2.152			host ceph1
4	0.538				osd.4	up	1
5	0.538				osd.5	up	1
6	0.538				osd.6	up	1
7	0.538				osd.7	up	1
-4	2.152			host ceph2
8	0.538				osd.8	up	1
9	0.538				osd.9	up	1
10	0.538				osd.10	up	1
11	0.538				osd.11	up	1
-5	2.152			host ceph3
12	0.538				osd.12	up	1
14	0.538				osd.14	up	1
15	0.538				osd.15	up	1
13	0.538				osd.13	up	1


Rados Object Store access

Requierement : Create a Ceph poolConfigure Ceph on client

From command line

Put an object into a pool

Terminal.png node:
rados --pool jdoe_objects put <objectname> <infile>

List objects of a pool

Terminal.png node:
rados --pool jdoe_objects ls

Get object from a pool

Terminal.png node:
rados --pool jdoe_objects get <objectname> <outfile>

Remove an object

Terminal.png node:
rados --pool jdoe_objects rm <objectname>

Usage informations

Terminal.png node:
rados --pool jdoe_objects df
pool name       category                 KB      objects       clones     degraded      unfound           rd        rd KB           wr        wr KB
jdoe_objects -                    1563027            2            0            0           0            0            0          628      2558455
  total used       960300628       295991
  total avail     7800655596
  total space     9229804032

From your application (C/C++, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP...)

See : https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/api/librados-intro/?highlight=librados

Rados benchmarks

On a 1G ethernet client

Terminal.png frontend:
oarsub -I -p parapluie
Write (16 concurrent operations)
Terminal.png node:
rados --pool pmorillo_bench bench 60 write --no-cleanup
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
    0       0         0         0         0         0         -         0
    1      16        39        23   91.9669        92   0.91312  0.429879
    2      16        70        54   107.973       124  0.679348  0.458774
    3      16        96        80   106.644       104  0.117995   0.48914
    4      16       126       110    109.98       120  0.207923  0.520003
    5      16       154       138    110.38       112  0.370721  0.521431
    6      16       180       164   109.314       104  0.293496  0.533345
Total time run:        60.321552
Total reads made:     1691
Read size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    112.132 

Average Latency:       0.569955
Max latency:           4.06499
Min latency:           0.055024
Terminal.png node:
rados --pool pmorillo_bench bench 60 seq
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes for at least 60 seconds.
Object prefix: benchmark_data_parapluie-31.rennes.grid5000._25776
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
    0       0         0         0         0         0         -         0
    1      16        39        23     91.98        92  0.553582  0.434956
    2      16        66        50   99.9807       108  0.471024  0.486303
    3      16        95        79   105.314       116  0.654954  0.510875
    4      16       124       108   107.981       116  0.522723  0.535851
    5      16       151       135   107.981       108  0.244908  0.547624
    6      16       180       164   109.314       116  0.239384   0.54942
Total time run:         60.478634
Total writes made:      1694
Write size:             4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     112.040 

Stddev Bandwidth:       15.9269
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 124
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average Latency:        0.571046
Stddev Latency:         0.354297
Max latency:            2.62603
Min latency:            0.165878

On a 10G ethernet client

Terminal.png frontend:
oarsub -I -p paranoia
Write (16 concurrent operations)
  • Pool replication size : 1
Terminal.png node:
rados --pool pmorillo_bench bench 60 write --no-cleanup
Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes for at least 60 seconds.
Object prefix: benchmark_data_paranoia-3.rennes.grid5000.fr_5626
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
    0       0         0         0         0         0         -         0
    1      16       146       130   519.915       520  0.488794  0.103537
    2      16       247       231   461.933       404  0.164705  0.126076
    3      16       330       314   418.612       332  0.036563  0.148763
    4      16       460       444   443.941       520  0.177378  0.141696
Total time run:         60.579488
Total writes made:      5965
Write size:             4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     393.863 

Stddev Bandwidth:       83.789
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 520
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
Average Latency:        0.162479
Stddev Latency:         0.195071
Max latency:            1.7959
Min latency:            0.033313
Terminal.png node:
rados --pool pmorillo_bench bench 60 seq
  sec Cur ops   started  finished  avg MB/s  cur MB/s  last lat   avg lat
    0       0         0         0         0         0         -         0
    1      16       288       272   1087.78      1088  0.028679 0.0556937
    2      16       569       553   1105.82      1124  0.049299 0.0569641
    3      16       850       834   1111.85      1124  0.024369 0.0566906
    4      16      1127      1111   1110.86      1108  0.024855 0.0570628
    5      16      1406      1390   1111.86      1116  0.182567 0.0568681
Total time run:        21.377795
Total reads made:     5965 
Read size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):    1116.111 

Average Latency:       0.0573023
Max latency:           0.270447
Min latency:           0.011937

RBD (Rados Block Device)

Requierement : Create a Ceph poolConfigure Ceph on client

Create a Rados Block Device

Terminal.png frontend:
rbd --pool jdoe_rbd create <rbd_name> --size <MB>
Warning.png Warning

Ceph server release is older than frontend. For the moment we have to force "--image-format=1". Which create the warning "rbd: image format 1 is deprecated"

Terminal.png frontend:
rbd --pool jdoe_rbd ls
Terminal.png frontend:
rbd --pool jdoe_rbd info <rbd_name>

Exemple :

$ rbd -p pmorillo_rbd create datas --size 4096
$ rbd -p pmorillo_rbd ls
$ rbd -p pmorillo_rbd info datas
rbd image 'datas':
	size 4096 MB in 1024 objects
	order 22 (4096 kB objects)
	block_name_prefix: rb.0.604e.238e1f29
	format: 1

Note : rbd -p pmorillo_rbd info datas is equivalent to rbd info pmorillo_rbd/datas

Create filesystem and mount RBD

Terminal.png frontend:
oarsub -I -t deploy
Terminal.png frontend:
kadeploy3 -e debian11-x64-base -f $OAR_NODEFILE -k
Terminal.png frontend:
ssh root@deployed_node
Terminal.png node:
apt install ceph
Terminal.png node:
modprobe rbd
Terminal.png node:
modinfo rbd

Create Ceph configuration file /etc/ceph/ceph.conf :

mon host = ceph0,ceph1,ceph2

Get CephX key from the frontend :

frennes $ curl -k https://api.grid5000.fr/sid/sites/rennes/storage/ceph/auths/$USER.keyring | ssh root@deployed_node "cat - > /etc/ceph/ceph.client.$USER.keyring"
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool map <rbd_name>

Exemple :

rbd --id pmorillo map pmorillo_rbd/datas
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool jdoe_pool showmapped

Exemple :

rbd --id pmorillo showmapped
id pool         image snap device
0  pmorillo_rbd datas -    /dev/rbd0
Terminal.png node:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/rbd0
Terminal.png node:
mkdir /mnt/rbd
Terminal.png node:
mount /dev/rbd0 /mnt/rbd
Terminal.png node:
df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3        15G  1.6G   13G  11% /
/dev/sda5       525G   70M  498G   1% /tmp
/dev/rbd0       3.9G  8.0M  3.6G   1% /mnt/rbd

Note : To map rbd at boot time, use /etc/ceph/rbdmap file :

# RbdDevice		Parameters 
#poolname/imagename	id=client,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.keyring

Resize, snapshots, copy, etc...

See :


Requierement : Create a Ceph poolConfigure Ceph on client

Convert a qcow2 file into RBD

Terminal.png frennes:
oarsub -I
Terminal.png node:
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw /grid5000/virt-images/debian11-x64-base.qcow2 rbd:pool_name/debian11:id=jdoe
Terminal.png node:
rbd --id jdoe --pool pool_name ls

Start KVM virtual machine from a Rados Block Device

Terminal.png node:
screen kvm -m 1024 -drive format=raw,file=rbd:pool_name/debian11:id=jdoe -nographic