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General overview

Cluster Lux5000.png

Network Architecture

The Luxembourg site is built over two central network components:

  • A Core Layer 2 / 3 switch of type Cisco Catalyst 6506E, including one single supervisor (VS-S720-10G) and two line Gigabit copper cards (WS-X6748-GE-TX). This Switch is connecting :
    • the 22 computing Nodes in 1GbE mode to the prod VLAN
    • the 22 computing Nodes in 1GbE mode to the admin VLAN
    • the different frontends and the NFS server (in both prod and admin VLAN)
    • the Renater backbone (VLAN 550)
    • the University of Luxembourg network
  • A server farm of type Cisco Nexus 5020, responsible for connecting the 22 computing nodes in 10GbE mode (VLAN hsc)

The global architecture and network organization is based on the Network Golden rules

Connectivity to GRID5000

The connectivity to GRID 5000 is operated by the RESTENA foundation (for the luxembourgian side) in collaboration with Renater. The dedicated Grid5000 line has been prolongated from Nancy toward Luxembourg (see Global network map) via Esch/Elzette.


Name VLAN Description
admin VLAN 10 administration network containing all BMC interfaces and an interface on each server
prod VLAN 30 production network containing all nodes ethernet interfaces together with all servers and virtual machines primary ethernet interfaces
UL_DMZprivate VLAN 40 Gateway to the UL internal DMZ
hsc VLAN 50 High speed computing network (10GbE)
Grid5000 VLAN 550 Gateway to Grid5000/Renater 5
BLACKHOLE VLAN 1000 local usage, unused ports

VLAN routing

Name VLAN Network Gateway (hardware supervisor)
admin VLAN 10 Gw ( SUP720-10G)
prod VLAN 30 /20 Gw ( SUP720-10G ) /14 Gw sec ( SUP720-10G )
UL_DMZprivate VLAN 40
hsc VLAN 50
Grid5000 VLAN 550