Kickoff meeting

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The kickoff meeting of Héméra has been held on October 5th, 2010, in Paris.

(The slides of the presentations will be uploaded shortly.)

9:30 - 10:00 Welcome
10:00 - 10:20 Overview of Héméra (C. Perez) & of Grid5000 (F. Desprez & D. Margery)
10:20 - 12:20 Overview of the seven scientific challenges
Traffic Awareness (P. Gonçalves)
Robustness of Large Systems in Presence of High Churn (P. Sens)
Energy Profiling of Large Scale Applications (L. Lefevre)
Large Scale Computing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (B. Derbel)
Scalable Distributed Processing Using the MapReduce Paradigm (G. Antoniu)
Multi-parametric Intensive Stochastic Simulations for Hydrogeology (J. Erhel)
Thinking GRID for Electromagnetic Simulation of Oversized Structures (T. Monteil)
12:20 - 12:30 Discussion
12:20 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Presentation of the 8 workings groups
Transparent, safe and efficient large scale computing (S. Genaud & F. Huet)
• Energy Efficient Large Scale Experimental Distributed Systems (L. Lefèvre & J.-M. Menaud)
• Bring Grids Power to Internet-Users thanks to Virtualization Technologies (A. Lèbre & Y. Jégou)
Efficient exploitation of highly heterogeneous and hierarchical large-scale systems (O. Beaumont & F. Vivien)
• Efficient management of very large volumes of information for data-intensive applications (G. Antoniu & J.-M. Pierson)
Completing challenging experiments on Grid’5000 (L. Nussbaum & O. Richard)
• Modeling Large Scale Systems and Validating their Simulators (M. Quinson & A. Legrand)
• Network metrology and traffic characterization (P. Gonçalves)
16:00 - 16:10 Discussion
16:10 - 16:30 Administrative issues
16:30 - 17:00 General discussion