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Current events

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Past events

Grid'5000 Winter School 2012 award winners announced

The Grid'5000 winter school took place between Decembre 3rd, 2012 and December 6th, 2012 in Nantes. This highly successful edition brought together 70 registered participants for 4 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practices, results and links to other tools for experiment-driven research. Two awards were given during the event :

Best presentation award to Shadi Ibrahim

Best presentation award to Shadi Ibrahim

1st prize for the Grid'5000 challenge 2012 to Luc Sarzyniec

1st prize for the Grid'5000 challenge 2012 to Luc Sarzyniec

Grid'5000 school 2012 announced

Organized in Nantes, from December 3rd to December 6th 2012, this winter school will bring together, but is not limited to, Grid'5000's users, technical team and executive committee for 4 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practices and results. Presentations and practical sessions will cover both basic usage of the platform, for new users, or potential users of Grid'5000 and advanced and new usage of the platform, for current users.

Inria award for research and innovation support given to David Margery, Grid'5000 chief technical officer

The 2012 Inria award for research and innovation was awarded to David Margery, who has been the Grid'5000 chief technical officer since 2007. more info here

Report on Support for Experimental Computer Science workshop available

Following the Supercomputing 2011 Workshop on Support for Experimental Science, a report was released, which distills the discussion from that workshop into a consensus on the state of the field and directions for moving forward. Full report available; featured on and hpcwire.

Grid'5000 users finalists of the SCALE'2012 challenge

The following paper took part in the final of the international SCALE'2012 challenge: L. Sarzyniec, S. Badia, E. Jeanvoine, L. Nussbaum Scalability Testing of the Kadeploy Cluster Deployment System usingVirtual Machines on Grid'5000 (CCGRID/SCALE’2012, Ottawa, Canada, May 2012). (see paper on HAL)

The paper presents a large-scale execution of Kadeploy on Grid'5000, using up to 4000 virtual machines hosted on 635 nodes from four sites, gathered together in a global KaVLAN network. The work was done in the context of the INRIA ADT Kadeploy project.

Announcing the IaaS on Grid'5000 Workshop - 2012 to be held in Rennes, April 23rd 2012

Grid'5000 users are invited to take part to a half day workshop in Rennes on April 23rd, 2012, followed by an optional 2 days coding camp for all Grid'5000 users working on the deployment of open source Iaas stacks (OpenNebula, Nimbus, OpenStack, ..). During the coding camp on the following days, participants will be able to start collaborating on consolidating their tools. Details on the event's page


Using Grid'5000 for on-demand extension of an OpenNebula installation

This video shows how the BonFIRE project's testbed operated in Rennes can be extended on-demand over Grid'5000 resources. This is a powerfull demonstration of KaVLAN usage and of how Grid'5000 capabilities can be exposed to specific users with the Grid'5000 API. Here Grid'5000 resources are dynamically added to an OpenNebula installation.


Grid'5000 taking part in the Support for Experimental Computer Science Workshop at SC11

A few speakers with experience gained using Grid'5000 will be taking part in the Support for Experimental Computer Science Workshop at SC11. This should be of interest to all Grid'5000 users. Abstract reads : The ability to conduct consistent, controlled and repeatable large-scale experiments in all areas of computer science related to parallel, large-scale or distributed computing and networking is critical to the future and development of Computer Science. Yet conducting such experiments is still too often a challenge for researchers, students and practitioners due to unavailability of dedicated resources, inability to create controlled experimental conditions, and variability in software. Availability, repeatability, and open sharing of electronic products are all still a challenge. This workshop will bring together scientists involved in building and operating two infrastructures dedicated to supporting Computer Science experiments, Grid 5000 in France and Future Grid in the United States, to discuss challenges and solutions in this space. Our objectives are to share experiences and knowledge related to supporting large-scale experiments conducted on experimental infrastructures, solicit requirements, and discuss methodologies and opportunities created by emerging technologies.

The program of the workshop is available here.

Best poster award for the deployment of the gLite grid middleware on Grid'5000

During the Rencontres Scientifiques France Grilles, Sébastien Badia and Lucas Nussbaum received the best poster award for their work on the deployment of the gLite grid middleware on Grid'5000. This work was done in the context of the Appel Interfaces Recherche en grilles/Grilles de production 2009, co-funded by Institut des Grilles (CNRS) and ADT Aladdin (INRIA).

Best paper award at GECCO'2011

Grid'5000 users get a Best Paper Award at ACM GECCO'2011. Congratulations to Malika Mehdi and Jean-Claude Charr for their paper "A Cooperative Tree-based Hybrid GA-B&B Approach for Solving Challenging Permutation-based Problems" co-authored with Nouredine Melab, El-Ghazali Talbi and Pascal Bouvry.

GPU day at Lille

A cluster with GPUs has been deployed in Lille since April 5th, 2011. A tutorial day in the context of Grid'5000 is therefore organized Tuesday June 28th, at INRIA Lille, to present Grid'5000 and to learn to use these new resources. Please refer to the details I you wish to participate.


Grid'5000 used as a learning platform during SC-Camp 2011

SC-Camp is an initiative of researchers to offer to undergraduate and master students state-of-the-art lectures and programming practical sessions upon High Performance and Distributed Computing topics. In 2010 the event was in Bucaramanga, Colombia. In 2011 the event will be hosted by Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede del Atlántico en Turrialba. SC-Camp is a non-profit event, composed by 7 days starting on July the 10th of 2011. Of those days 6 are dedicated to scientific lectures, practical programming sessions and a parallel programming contest.

Cheat Sheet mini.png

First Cheat sheet created

If you are of those who enjoy a recap of the different commands and links to the main help pages, you'll be pleased to see that an admin has contributed the first Grid'5000 cheat sheet to this wiki. If you wish to understand how it was built, you can read and suggest contributions in the corresponding bug.


Grid'5000 users get 2 out of 3 Best Poster award at IPDPS 2011

Congratulations go to Alexandra Carpen-Amarie ( IRISA, University Rennes 1, INRIA, Rennes, France) for her poster Towards a Self-Adaptive Data Management System for Cloud Environments and to Pierre Riteau (INRIA, IRISA, Rennes, France) for his poster Building Large Scale Dynamic Computing Infrastructures over Distributed Clouds=== Grid'5000 Spring School 2011 awards announced ===

Best presentation award to Simon Delamare

Best presentation award to Simon Delamare

Challenger Winner 2011 to Rodrigue Chakode

Challenge Winner 2011 to Rodrigue Chakode

The winning challenge entry demonstrated Deploying a Highly-dynamic Virtual Cluster Based on OpenNebula and Xen in Grid'5000, with SVMSched, and wins an archos Android tablet.

Grid'5000 users selected for the second round of the SCALE'2011 challenge

The following paper has been selected for the second round of the international SCALE'2011 challenge organized in conjunction with the IEEE CCGRID'2011 to be held on May 23-26, 2011 in Newport Beach, CA, USA. M. Djamaï, B. Derbel, N. Melab. A Large-Scale Pure P2P Approach for the B&B Algorithm. (IEEE/ACM CCGRID/SCALE’2011, Newport Beach, USA, May 23-26, 2011).

The paper presents a peer-to-peer Branch-and-Bound algorithm for solving large-scale challenging combinatorial optimization problems. The high scalability of the algorithm is demonstrated through intensive experiments performed on Grid'5000. The work is strongly related to the scientific challenge Large scale computing for combinatorial optimization problems of the INRIA Hemera large wingspan project.

Grid'5000 Tutorial at Renpar'20, to be held in Saint-Malo, May 10th

In the morning, talks will focus on experiment-driven research, open science and how Grid'5000 is a tool to be used in this context. The afternoon will be dedicated to concrete tutorials on how to access and to use Grid'5000. These tutorials will be based on the tutorials available at the Tutorial Home.

Grid'5000 Spring School 2011 announced from April 18th to April 21st

Organized in Reims, from April 18th to April 21st 2011, this spring school will bring together, but is not limited to, Grid'5000's users, technical team and executive committee for 4 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practices and results. Presentations and practical sessions will cover both basic usage of the platform, for new users, or potential users of Grid'5000 and advanced and new usage of the platform, for current users.


Screencast of latest webUI developments available

A screencast demoing the latest developments in the user interface built on top of the API's is now available. These developments showcase in particular how the webUI can help you understand and aggregate the metrics of an experiment to help you check whether what is happening is what you are expecting. Remember that the API exposes all the data used by the webUI: you can build your own comparable tools.

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Grid'5000 usage featured in iSGTW

Pierre Riteau's work has once again reached the news: Miriam Boon, iSGTW, reports on sky computing


G5kSS10 Challenge winner: deploying a sky computing environment (3 clouds) based on Nimbus in 30mn !

The Grid'5000 Spring School challenge winner is Pierre Riteau, who demonstrated the deployment of a sky computing environment based on nimbus in 31mn ! These include the deployment of the nodes using kadeploy3 and their configuration to form a sky computing environment located in 3 sites and managing 278 VMMs providing 1628 virtual cpus and 2 124 Gb of memory. Details in the winner's presentation, or on Dr Dobbs.
The runner-up is Marko Obrovac, who demonstrated scripts enabling the deployment of XtreemOS on Grid'5000. The script brought up an linux-ssi favour version of XtreemOS putting a virtual SMP of 156 processors online in less than 30mn.
Each win an ipod touch for their entry.
(image ©-maxime-dufour-photographies)


Grid'5000 Spring School 2010 award winners announced

The Grid'5000 spring school took place between April 6th, 2010 and April 9th, 2010 in Lille. This highly successful edition brought together 78 registered participants for 4 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practices, results and links to other tools for experiment-driven research. The presentation program has been updated with the slides of the presentations. Most practical sessions are available to people that did not take part during the school. Two awards were given for presentations made during the event :
(image ©-maxime-dufour-photographies)

Best presentation award to Cristian Klein

Best presentation award to Cristian Klein

Most Significant Experiment for the progress of Grid'5000 to Emmanuel Thomé

Most Significant Experiment for the progress of Grid'5000 to Emmanuel Thomé

Research in Grids - Production Grids workshop held October 13th, 2009

L’Institut des Grilles (IdG) et l’action Aladdin INRIA lancent un appel commun à propositions pour dynamiser les recherches à l’interface entre la recherche sur les grilles, les grilles de recherche, et les grilles de production.

Le colloque présentera les questions ouvertes aux interfaces et les projets proposés dans le cadre de cet appel, afin de favoriser la création de nouveaux réseaux. Le but de la journée est de faire émerger des synergies. La présentation de travaux en cours est donc vivement encouragée. Plus d’informations.


Grid'5000 Spring School 2010 announced (online or offline Registrations now opened)

Organized in Lille, from April 6th to April 9th 2010, this spring school will bring together, but is not limited to, Grid'5000's users, technical team and executive committee for 4 days of tutorials and talks focusing on best-practices and results. Presentations and practical sessions will cover both basic usage of the platform, for new users, or potential users of Grid'5000 and advanced and new usage of the platform, for current users.

A challenge to showcase tools and environments demonstrating the deployment of distributed or Grid middleware on Grid'5000 will be held this year for the first time.

(image ©-maxime-dufour-photographies)

Research in Grids - Production Grids workshop held October 13th, 2009

L’Institut des Grilles (IdG) et l’action Aladdin INRIA lancent un appel commun à propositions pour dynamiser les recherches à l’interface entre la recherche sur les grilles, les grilles de recherche, et les grilles de production.

Le colloque présentera les questions ouvertes aux interfaces et les projets proposés dans le cadre de cet appel, afin de favoriser la création de nouveaux réseaux. Le but de la journée est de faire émerger des synergies. La présentation de travaux en cours est donc vivement encouragée. Plus d’informations. ---

Supercomputing and grid computing days at Lille

The first edition of the supercomputing and grid computing days at Lille will be held at Université de Lille1 and INRIA Lille - Nord Europe on December 2, 3 and 7, 2009. Half of the event is dedicated to the Grid5000 nation-wide grid infrastructure. A series of presentations including feedbacks on the use of Grid5000 is scheduled together with a one day practical training on it. The detailed program is available at: ---

Research in Grids - Production Grids workshop held October 13th, 2009

L’Institut des Grilles (IdG) et l’action Aladdin INRIA lancent un appel commun à propositions pour dynamiser les recherches à l’interface entre la recherche sur les grilles, les grilles de recherche, et les grilles de production.

Le colloque présentera les questions ouvertes aux interfaces et les projets proposés dans le cadre de cet appel, afin de favoriser la création de nouveaux réseaux. Le but de la journée est de faire émerger des synergies. La présentation de travaux en cours est donc vivement encouragée. Plus d’informations.


Grid'5000 Tutorial at CLCAR 2009 in Venezuela

Yiannis Georgiou will present a Grid5000 tutorial at the 2nd edition of Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing (CLCAR) held in Merida, Venezuela (21-25 September 2009).

Best Student Demo Award given to Grid'5000 users at Sigmetrics/Performance 2009 at Seattle

This award was given to Patrick Loiseau, Romaric Guillier, Oana Goga, Matthieu Imbert, Paulo Goncalves, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet (INRIA, ENS-Lyon, University of Lyon, France) for their demo Automated Traffic Measurements and Analysis in Grid'5000 demo at the demo session

Grid'5000 under extension to Porto Alegre, Brazil

July 21st, 2009, INRIA and UFRGS signed a Memorandum of Understanding marking the cooperation of the two institutes towards the extension of the Grid'5000 platform to Brazil.

According to the terms of this memo, UFRGS will contribute to Grid'5000 by operating a local site in Porto Alegre and INRIA will fully integrate this local site into Grid'5000 in order to gain an international scale. Researchers from both partners will therefore gain access to one of the major scientific instruments for the study of large-scale parallel and distributed problems in computer science. With this cooperation, Grid'5000 gives its users the possibility to study the effects of inter-continental networks links on these problems.

For Grid'5000 users, access to the new site during the integration phase is possible using portoalegre.grenoble as name of the new site

Grid'5000 showcased during the Open Days of Bell Labs France

June 2nd, 2009, MEtroflux/NXE tools where shown using Grid'5000 during a week during the Open Days of Bell Labs France, demonstrating the potential of Grid'5000 as a research instrument.


Second Grid'5000 award given to Lucas Nussbaum

During Grid'5000 Spring School 2009, Lucas Nussbaum was given the second Grid'5000 award, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to ALADDIN / Grid'5000.

Photo of people present at the Grid'5000 Spring School 2009

Grid'5000 spring school now finished

The Grid'5000 spring school took place between April 7, 2009 and April 10, 2009 in Nancy. The presentation program is updated with the slides of the presentations as they come in. Most practical sessions are available to people that did not take part during the school. Here and there (pdf) you can read local press coverage. In addition to the second Grid'5000 award given to Lucas Nussbaum for his outsanding contribution to Grid'5000, 3 awards were given for presentation made during the event :

Best presentation award to Anne-Cécile Orgerie

Best presentation award to Anne-Cécile Orgerie

Best Large Scale Experiment to Benjamin Depardon

Best Large Scale Experiment to Benjamin Depardon

Most Promising Experiment to Jean-Noël Quintin

Most Promising Experiment to Jean-Noël Quintin


Grid'5000 spring school to be held in Nancy, in April 2009

A Grid'5000 spring school is in preparation for 3 to 4 days between April 6, 2009 and April 10, 2009 in Nancy. Expect a call for presentations to be ready during the month of January 2009, but you should already reserve the corresponding dates in your agenda.

Photo of people present

First INRIA-CEA workshop held on deployment and scheduling in large infrastructures

This workshop, held noon to noon January 22nd-23rd discussed common problems faced when dealing with deployment and scheduling in large infrastructures. Most participants are visible in the photo on the right of this page.


Grid'5000 seminars and tutorials organized on most Grid'5000 sites

The slides are available online.

SuperComputing 2008

Grid'5000 at SC'08

Grid'5000 will be represented at SuperComputing 2008, Austin, Texas (USA). We will be pleased to welcome you at INRIA's booth and present the platform, its tools, and ALADDIN-G5K.

Workshop on Grid'5000 and network virtualization to be held in Paris, October 16th 2008

Anyone working on attempting to abstract the Grid'5000 network, locally on one site or globally, should mark this date on her or his agenda. Please refer to Call for participation, program and inscriptions.


First ALADDIN-G5K award given to Olivier Richard

During ALADDIN-G5K's kick-off meeting, Olivier Richard was given the first ALADDIN-G5K award, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the architecture and key software of ALADDIN / Grid'5000

ALADDIN-G5K now officially started

ALADDIN-G5K, INRIA's action to support Grid'5000 during the next 4 years has now officially been accepted. A Kick-off meeting is planned July 9-10, 2008 and the technical staff is now recruiting.
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Summer 2007: Grid'5000 - Naregi interconnection

The network interconnection between Naregi (Japan grid initiative) and Grid'5000 (Lyon site) is now operational and some preliminary tests began this summer.

SuperComputing 2007

Grid'5000 at SC'07

Grid'5000 is present at SuperComputing 2007, Reno, Nevada (USA). We will be pleased to welcome you at INRIA's booth #2433 and present the platform, its tools, and ALADDIN: INRIA forthcoming initiative to further develop the Grid'5000 platform and foster scientific research using the infrastructure.

June 2007: Grid Asia 2007

June 5th - 8th, 2007: Grid Asia 2007 will take place in Singapore, China.

December 2006: Toward Grid'5000 - DAS-3 interconnection

December 4th 2006: Grid'5000 - DAS-3 interconnection workshop took place at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

November 2006: PlugTest 2006

GRIDS@work: CoreGRID Conference, Grid Plugtests and Contest took place at ETSI Headquarters, Sophia-Antipolis from November, 27th to December, 1st.

Paristic 2006

November 2006: Paristic 2006

The 2006's edition of Parsitic was hosted at LORIA in Nancy, from November 22th to 24th.

SuperComputing 2006

November 2006: SC'06

SuperComputing 2006 took place in Tampa, Florida (USA) from November 11th to 17th.

PlugTest 2006

October 2006: Journées Grid'5000 à Lille

October 30th and 31th, Grid'5000 Lille site's days will take place in USTL campus, Villeneuve d'Ascq. Project/platform presentations and tutorials will be proposed.


October 2006: Grid eXplorer days

October 12th and 13th, IDRIS, Orsay. Grid eXplorer users will present their lastest research results obtained with the Grid eXplorer platform.

I-Explosion Project

August-September 2006: Grid@5000@Titech

After Franck Cappello's visit to Tokyo Institute of Technology, Grid'5000 was presented during the I-Explosion project workshop.

June 2006: Grid'5000 Workshop

The event will take place in Paris (France) in conjunction with HPDC'2006.

More information at IEEE HPDC'2006

March 2006: Grid'5000 Spring School

The event took place in Grenoble (France) between March 6th and March 10th 2006.

More information on Grid5000:School2006

December 2005: ANR projects & Grid'5000

December 10th, 2005: Three of the accepted ANR projects (CIGC call) will use Grid'5000 as their research infrastructure.

December 2005: Grid'5000 helped solving the 'flow-shop scheduling' problem

December 9th, 2005: The Dolphin Team From LIFL and INRIA Futurs solved (exact solution) the flow-shop scheduling problem for the instance of 50 Jobs on 20 machines. More than 800 CPUs of Grid'5000 were used for solving this problem out of a total of 1200 CPUs. More details on the Flow-shop contest page.

November 2005: Grid'5000 @ Paristic

Grid'5000 was presented at Paristic conference. The event took place in Bordeaux (France) between November 21th and November 23th 2005

SuperComputing 2005

November 2005: Grid'5000 @ SC2005

Grid'5000 was exposed at SuperComputing 2005 conference. The conference took place in Seattle Washington State Convention Centre, between November 14th and November 18th 2005, booth #1122.

November 2005: Grid'5000 @ Grid'2005

Grid'5000 was presented at Grid'2005 workshop. The workshop took place in Seattle Washington State Convention Centre, between November 13th and November 14th 2005, boot

October 2005: 2nd PlugTest

Grid'5000 provided one of the core grid platforms used by the 2nd PlugTest experiments between October 10th and October 14th 2005.

October 2005: Inauguration Toulouse

Toulouse Grid'5000 platform launch gate on October 13th 2005.

September 2005: Inauguration Sophia

Sophia Grid'5000 platform launch gate on September 30th 2005.