Group Storage

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You can ask for a group storage to use a large space of storage that you can share between multiple Grid'5000 users. Once the storage is created, you can manage which user can access it. The storage is accessible on Grid'5000 using NFS mounts.

Group storage resources pool

Site Server Name Size Status
Lille 94TB Check.png

Asking for a group storage

To request a new group storage, please send an email to Please copy/paste the following text and fill all the required information

  • Email subject:
Group storage creation
  • Email content:
 What is your Grid'5000 login ?
 What name do you want for your storage ? (only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphen (-) allowed)
 On which site do you want the storage ? You can also specify the server.
 What is the name of the group you want to be link with this storage space ? (must start by "sto-", only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphen (-) allowed)
 Does the group already exists (from another storage group) ?
 What size do you require for the storage?
 XXX GBytes/TBytes
 What is the intended usage, in ~5 lines ?
 The expiration date (We will contact you before removing your storage) ?

The support staff will create the storage, and if the group is new, will create and set you as an owner of the group.

Managing the group

For now, the only way to manage the group is from the API. The documentation can be found at <<- FIXME: Can the git project be public

For a basic usage, you will need to update the list of member of a group, it's is done like so:

  • First we get the list of the current user of the group:
 frontend:curl '' | jq .members
  • Then we replace by the wanted updated list:
 frontend:curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '' -d '{"members": ["dtennant", "msmith", "jwhittaker"]}'

Here, we have removed pcapaldi and add jwhittaker

Accessing your storage

If you use an image with NFS provided by the Grid'5000 team, autofs will do the job for you. You just have to go to:

node:cd /srv/storage/storage_name@server_address

for example:

node:cd /srv/storage/

You may want to add a symbolic link to this path for convenience:

node:ln -s /srv/storage/ ~/my_storage

If you don't use an image provided by the Grid'5000 team, you will need to use the storage API.