Grid5000 : Account Request

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Please fill the form with as many details as possible to help us evaluate your request.


  • Fields marked with * are required.

Personal informations

Without accents.
Without accents.
Please provide your institutional/professional email address. Providing a non-professional email address (from providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Laposte, Free, etc, or using any obscure DNS domain) weakens your application and can justify its rejection.

This will be used by members of the technical team when contacting you directly. Websites and tools however will remain in english.



Paste your SSH public key in the text field above, or select a public key file using the Browse button below. (commonly named : "~/.ssh/")

You can find more information about ssh key creation on Grid'5000 wiki.

No SSH public key

(Check if you do not wish to provide a SSH public key right now, but upload one later)

Grid'5000 Access Group

Select a group to join. The membership to that group will grant you access to the platform, so it will be reviewed by the group manager. Choose the most appropriate group with regard to your situation or position, or use the "misc" group if no other group is relevant.

  • Group are named after a research team or project name, or a lab, university or employer name (choose the smallest entity which is relevant for you).
  • If no such group exist for you, but you can identify the Grid'5000 site which is relevant for you, the <site>-misc" group can be selected.
  • If no <site>-misc group is relevant for you, the misc group can be chosen.

Expiration date for your requested membership. This date mostly matches the end of your contract, internship, PhD thesis or project. It can be left blank for a permanent membership to the group (relevant for people with a permanent position only)
Examples: "28 july 2021", "2021-07-28", ...


Please take a special care in providing any useful information, especially if you are unsure about the group you selected or chose any of the misc or <site>-misc groups (because the managers of the group probably do not know you personally). The more it is meaningful, the more it is will speed up the handling of your request. Example: "I'm a member of the team/project/...". Intern, master or PhD student, etc. please name your advisor.

Institutional Affiliation

If you have multiple affiliations, please fill relevant fields with a comma separated list of information describing each affiliation

The name of the entity that sends you paychecks.
Examples: CNRS, Inria, Université de Rennes 1, Université de Lorraine, Google, etc.

The name of the entity that sends you paychecks.
Examples: Googe Inc, Atos SE, University of Tsukuba, Argonne National Laboratory, ...

The country you work for, not necessarily your nationality.
Example: French researcher in UC Berkeley → United States of America.
If you are part of an Inria research center, select the center you belong. Otherwise, select 'Not affiliated to Inria'.

Functional entity your project belongs to. If you are a member of a CNRS unit (UR, UMR, UMSR, UMS, EA) provide its acronym. Otherwise, give the acronym of your laboratory. Examples: IRISA, LIG, LORIA, LIP6, CITI-LAB

Functional entity your project belongs to.


This is the smaller institutional entity your are affiliated to: name of your Inria project-team, Inria team, laboratory team.

This may be the smallest entity your are affiliated to in your organisation, company or institution.

This field should be used as you wish to indicate the project you are working for (European project, ANR project, name of the software you are working on, etc..).

Any transverse project your work is related to, for instance one could mention here a European project or national project if you are part of such a collaborative project.

A URL that points to your public institutional webpage that lists you as a member.

Please describe your intended usage of the platform in at least 1 or 2 paragraphs.

Please take a special care in providing any useful information, especially if you chose a user group of a large community (i.e. not a group of a small team) or any of the misc or <site>-misc groups (because the managers of the group probably do not know you personally). The more it is meaningful, the more it is will speed up the handling of your request and give chances to get it accepted. Please provide any relevant references (project web site, ...).


Please desribe in at least 1 or 2 paragraphs (50 words) your Research topics.

Since when the informations above are valid.
Examples: "28 july 2008", "2008-07-28"


* =
Type the characters you see in the picture above.
* I accept the Grid'5000 Usage Policy and the Grid'5000 General Conditions of Use which details how my personal information are used.