Starter-level practice audience is Grid'5000 platform new-comers, who wish to make a quick tour of the platform fonctionnalities, in order to efficiently step in.
- Understanding Grid'5000 (30 minutes): A step by step view of the project leading to First_steps
- Keywords: wiki, hardware, network, services
- Requirements: none
- Authors: Philippe Marty, Benjamin Dexheimer
- Cluster experiment (1 hour): How to setup a cluster experiment on Grid'5000 and then conduct it.
- Grid experiment (1 hour): How to setup a grid experiment on Grid'5000 and then conduct it.
Advanced-level tutorials aim at learning to the platform users how to manipulate Kadeploy environments, in order to setup their experiment environment.
- Deploy an environment (2 hours): How to find, deploy and customize an environment.
- Keywords: Kadeploy, OAR
- Requirements: knowledge of starter-level tutorials
- Authors: David Margery
- Discovering Grid'5000's API (2 hours): How to use Grid'5000 API, with application to the Reference API and the Monitoring API
- Keywords: API
- Requirements: knowledge of starter-level tutorials
- Authors: Cyril Rohr
- Deploying virtual machines with Kadeploy 2.1.8 (2 hours): Deploying virtual machines with Kadeploy 2.1.8
- Keywords: Kadeploy, Xen
- Requirements: knowledge of deployment tutorial
- Authors: Cyril Constantin
- Non-Linux system deployment, example with FreeBSD (2 hours): Deploying operating systems other than Linux with kadeploy
- Keywords: Kadeploy, FreeBSD
- Requirements: knowledge of deployment tutorial
- Authors: Lucas Nussbaum
User contributed
- Grid computation (2 hours): How to use MPI on Grid'5000 for High Performance Computing.
- Keywords: MPI, C
- Requirements: basic knowledge of UNIX environments, C programing skills
- Authors: Luiz-Angelo Steffenel
- Grid Reservation Utility for Deployment Usage (2 hours): How to use a GUI to reserve resources and find, deploy and customize an environment.
- DIET Introductory Hands-On (4 hours): This is a basic tutorial introducing how to use the Diet (Distributive Interactive Engineering Toolbox) middleware on Grid'5000.
- Keywords: DIET
- Requirements: ability to connect to Grid'5000
- Authors: Benjamin Depardon
Expert-level tutorials easily become deprecated, but present some platform uses for more specialised contexts and for experiments needing deeper modifications than those presented in advanced-level tutorials: deploying complex middleware, aiding the development and the evaluation of distributed operating systems, using non-Linux operating systems, customizing global grid environments.
- Deploy a grid *deprecated* (2 hours): How to deploy an environment allowing to build a grid inside the grid (as an example of a complex architecture deployment).
- Keywords: Kadeploy, OAR, TORQUE, Maui
- Requirements: knowledge of starter-level tutorials
- Authors: Nicolas Capit, Yiannis Georgiou, Olivier Richard
- Globus *deprecated* (2 hours): This tutorial presents Globus mechanisms, then the adaptation and technical choices made to install it within Grid'5000. Finally, it propose kind of a using the Globus Toolkit in practice.
- Keywords: Globus, GT4, Web Services, GT2, MPICH-G2, Kadeploy
- Requirements: knowledge of advanced-level tutorials
- Authors: Christophe Demarey, Julien Garet, Estelle Gabarron
- Kernel development testing *deprecated* (1 hour 30 minutes): How to evaluate, debug and validate kernel developments targeted at parallel architectures thanks to Kadeploy.
- Keywords: Kernel, Kareboot, Kaconsole
- Requirements: knowledge of advanced-level tutorials, basic knowledge of kernel development
- Authors: Adrien Lebre
- Multi-site environment creation *deprecated* (1 hour 30 minutes): How to create multi-site Kadeploy environments.
- Keywords: Kernel, Initrd, Kadeploy
- Requirements: knowledge of advanced-level tutorials, basic knowledge of kernel compilation
- Authors: Julien Leduc
- Non-Linux system deployment *deprecated* (1 hour 30 minutes): How to deploy BSD-like or Solaris-like operating systems on Grid'5000.
- Keywords: FreeBSD, OpenSolaris, Partition, DD, Kadeploy
- Requirements: knowledge of advanced-level tutorials
- Authors: Lucas Nussbaum
Pages in category "Portal:Tutorial"
The following 127 pages are in this category, out of 127 total.
- Unmaintained:Adding hardware support
- Advanced Kadeploy
- Advanced KaVLAN
- Advanced OAR
- User:Amerlin/kadeployAdvanced Kadeploy
- User:Amerlin/kadeployEnvironment creation
- User:Apetit/kubernetes-cluster
- Unmaintained:API all in one Tutorial
- Unmaintained:API Main Practical
- Unmaintained:API Metrology Practical
- API tutorial
- Deep Learning Frameworks
- Unmaintained:Deploy a virtualized environment
- Unmaintained:Deploy a virtualized environment -- other alternatives
- Unmaintained:Deploy a virtualized environment deprecated
- Unmaintained:Deploy environment-OAR1
- Unmaintained:Deploy environment-OAR2
- Unmaintained:Deploy grid
- Unmaintained:Deploying and Using IaaS Clouds on Grid'5000
- Unmaintained:Deployment Scripts for IaaS Clouds on Grid'5000
- Unmaintained:Deployments API
- Docker
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 csCluster
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 csDepl
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 nbCluster
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 nbDepl
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 onCluster
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 onDepl
- Unmaintained:IaaS and PaaS Clouds on Grid5000 Prerequisites
- Unmaintained:IaaS Clouds on Grid'5000
- Unmaintained:IaaSclouds Prerequisites
- IPv6
- Unmaintained:ISO to kadeploy image
- Persistent Virtual Machine
- Unmaintained:Persisting Hadoop clusters using Managed Ceph
- User:Pneyron/ARM64-custom-environment
- User:Pneyron/PMEM-environment
- User:Pneyron/Ubuntu-ARM64-L4T environment
- Unmaintained:Power Monitoring Devices
- Production:FAQ
- Unmaintained:Public key authentication
- Unmaintained:Put Some Green In Your Experiments